Title: | Obtainment of nitrogen-fixing preparations |
Categories: | Виртуальные лабораторные и практические работы |
BookID: | 78 |
Authors: | EsimovaA.M.MutalievaB.Zh. Ahmetova N.B. , EsimovaA.M.MutalievaB.Zh. Ahmetova N.B. |
ISBN-10(13): | 0 |
Publication date: | 2014 |
Number of pages: | 0 |
Language: | Russian |
Price: | 0.00 |
Rating: | |
Picture: | |
Description: |
5В070100 The most common method of inoculation of legumes –pre-sowing seed preparations nodule bacteria. To do this, the seeds moistened 2.0-2.5% water (on their mass) was added and mixed thoroughly rhizotorfin manually (shoveling) or machines intended for seed. |