- 8D01110 Pedagogics and Psychology
- 8D01450 Professional Education
- 8D01503 Computer science
- 8D01510 Mathematics
- 8D02310 Philology
- 8D04110 Economy
- 8D04130 Accounting, audit and management
- 8D04140 Finance
- 8D05120 Biotechnological aspects in agro-industrial complex
- 8D05210 Ecology
- 8D05410 Mathematics
- 8D07110 Automation, control and digital data processing systems
- 8D07160 Chemical technology of inorganic substances
- 8D07170 Chemical technology of organic substances
- 8D07171 Petrochemistry
- 8D07172 Oil and Gas Processing Technology
- 8D07180 Technological machines and equipment (on branch)
- 8D07190 Chemical technology of infusible non-metallic and silicate materials
- 8D07206 Technology and design of textile materials
- 8D07210 Oil and Gas Engineering
- 8D07220 Metallurgy
- 8D07230 Innovative technologies in light industry
- 8D07240 Innovative technologies in the production of functional foods
- 8D07320 Civil engineering
- 8D07340 Production of building materials, products and constructions
- 8D11120 Cultural and Leisure Work
- 8D11210 Life safety and environmental protection
- 8D07150 Electrical power engineering
- 8D07120 Machine engineering
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