
  1. 7M07155 Digital energy systems: generation, distribution and consumption of electricity
  2. 7M07162 Chemical technology of inorganic substances
  3. 7M07163 Technology of mineral salts and agrochemistry
  4. 7M07170 Chemical technology of organic substances
  5. 7M07173 Petrochemistry
  6. 7M07176 Oil and Gas Processing Technology
  7. 7M07180 Technological machines and equipment (on branch)
  8. 7M07183 Technological machines and equipment of oil and gas enterprises
  9. 7M07190 Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials
  10. 7M07192 Chemical technology of infusible non-metallic and silicate materials
  11. 7M07210 Oil and gas business
  12. 7M07212 Management of development and operation of oil and gas fields
  13. 7M07222 Metallurgy
  14. 7M07230 Technology and design of light industry products
  15. 7M07240 Technology of Milk and Dairy Product
  16. 7M07243 Technology of food products
  17. 7M07250 Technology of processing productions
  18. 7M07253 Safe technologies of agricultural products processing
  19. 7M07255 Technology of animal product
  20. 7M07260 Technology and design of textile materials
  21. 7M07270 Technology of pharmaceutical manufacturing
  22. 7M07310 Architecture
  23. 7M07320 Civil engineering
  24. 7M07322 Civil engineering
  25. 7M07330 Water supply for cities and industry
  26. 7M07340 Production of building materials, products and constructions
  27. 7M07342 Production of building materials, products and constructions
  28. 7M07350 Geospatial Digital Engineering
  29. 7M07510 Standardization and Certification (by industry)
  30. 7M07513 Metrology
  31. 7M11110 Tourism
  32. 7M11120 Cultural and Leisure Work
  33. 7M11140 Sports management and coaching
  34. 7M11210 Life safety and environmental protection
  35. 7M11410 Social work
  36. 7M02208 World History
  37. 7M02211 Philosophy
  38. 7M04107 Digital Economy (NU UIS)

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