7M02211 Philosophy
Department "Philosophy" conducts planned educational, methodical, and scientific activities. Employees of the department have been repeatedly recognized for their professional activity with certificates of honor, letters of thanks and diplomas, copyrights, and awards.
The staff of the department conducts scientific research on various problems of humanities and general education sciences and takes part in international, republican scientific-practical conferences, forums, and round tables. The department organized and held in October 2024 the International scientific and practical conference "The Importance of the "Honest Man" Paradigm in the Context of the Formation of a Fair Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 70th anniversary and memory of the scientist T.A. Suleymenov. The teaching staff participated in the Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Development of Kazakhstan Society: Socio-Political and Legal Aspects", organized by the Faculty of Law of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University in December 2024 and other various scientific events. The teaching staff of the department participates in various city, regional television, and radio programs on the topics of the spiritual, religious, and cultural life of society.
Department "Philosophy" conducts targeted work on the support and development of young teachers. In particular, in 2022, Master of Philosophy Duysen N.K. entered doctoral studies in EP "Philosophy" at ENU named after L. Gumilev, and in 2024 master of Philosophy Thanatarova M.K. entered the doctoral program of KazNU named after al-Farabi under EP " Philosophy". Yerkinuly, senior lecturer of the department In Talgat, 2024, successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D020100- Philosophy at ENU named after L. Gumilev.
The teaching staff of the Department of Philosophy are members of the Republican Educational and Methodological Association. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Spanov M.Zh. - in section 022 - "Humanities", subsection "Philosophy", Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhienbekova A.A. - in section 031 - "Social Sciences", subsection "Cultural Studies" actively participate in the work of the discussions of the association.
Advanced training of the Department's teaching staff is a process of acquiring and improving professional competencies. It ensures compliance with the level of knowledge and skill qualification requirements and develops professional skills and qualities. The main goals of advanced training are improving professional competence, increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, increasing the level of theoretical knowledge, and obtaining competencies for assigning a higher qualification category.
The teaching staff of the department "Philosophy" considers the improvement of professional mastery as its main task; improvement of methods, means, and forms of training; and implementation of modern scientific achievements in the practice of education and training.
As a result of joint research by the teaching staff of the department, for 2024, 3 articles were published in high-ranking international scientific publications included in the Scopus database, 6 articles in journals included in the list of publications recommended by Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Scince and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 56 articles in collections of international scientific-practical conferences, and 9 articles in collections of conferences held in foreign and near foreign countries.
For in-depth training of graduate students and exchange of experience, the teaching staff of the department produces educational and methodological manuals and textbooks and widely uses them in the study of disciplines. For example: in 2021, associate professor of philosophy, G.K. Yesirkepova. released the textbook "Philosophy", and in 2022 the textbook "Semiotics" was released, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the department Zhienbekova A.A., "Mysliteli Velikoi Stepi" Faculty of Philosophy, associate professor N.A. Ibraeva. In 2023, a teaching aid on the discipline "Ethics and Aesthetics" was published, by candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor B. B. Aryngazieva, monograph, candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor Shaldarbekova A.B. "Problems of Historical Knowledge in the work of M. Zhumabaeva ", teaching manuals of associate professor Shaldarbekova A.B. "History of Philosophy", associate professor Zhienbekova A.A. "Kazakh decorative and applied art". Also, in 2024, associate professor Zhienbekova A.A. published the collection "case-method" in the discipline "Culturology".
In the framework of the implementation of the program of academic mobility based on the Agreement on cooperation between universities from 14.10. po 26.10.2024 Head of the "Public Disciplinary" Department of Navoi State Pedagogical University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Safarova N.O. and PhD, associate professor Shamsutdinova N.K. held guest lectures on the educational program 7М02211-Philosophy for undergraduates.
At the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Scientific Research Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the scientific internship, Doctor of Philosophy,
Professor S.E. Nurmuratov, during a scientific consultation for master's students.
Political Science and Religious Studies of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2024.