Scientific-Research and Test Center Sapa

Head of SRTC Sapa
Abdrazakh Pernebayevich Auyeshov
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
SRTC Sapa at the Auyezov South Kazakhstan University has been operating since May 2006. SRTC Sapa was accredited and qualified to carry out technical operations by the State System of Technical Regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with ST RK ISO/IEC 17025 – 2001 (accreditation certificate No. KZ.7100000.06.09.00867 dated 9 February 2007), and on 11 April 2016 it passed a repeated accreditation in National Accreditation Center LLP for compliance with GOST ISO/IEC 17025 – 2009 and was given accreditation certificate No. KZ И.16.1049 dated 11.04.2016.
Abdrazakh Pernebayevich Auyeshov
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
SRTC Sapa at the Auyezov South Kazakhstan University has been operating since May 2006. SRTC Sapa was accredited and qualified to carry out technical operations by the State System of Technical Regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with ST RK ISO/IEC 17025 – 2001 (accreditation certificate No. KZ.7100000.06.09.00867 dated 9 February 2007), and on 11 April 2016 it passed a repeated accreditation in National Accreditation Center LLP for compliance with GOST ISO/IEC 17025 – 2009 and was given accreditation certificate No. KZ И.16.1049 dated 11.04.2016.
Purpose and objectives:
Rendering of scientific and technical services to production enterprises operating in the southern region of Kazakhstan, including students and candidates for master’s and PhD degrees of university in connection with chemical, physical-and-chemical and physical-and-mechanical testing of a wide range of materials, natural and synthetic materials, individual substances and chemical compounds.
Rendering of scientific and technical assistance to small- and medium-sized production enterprises in connection with a complex researching of compound objects, including to students, candidates for master’s and PhD degrees of university and researchers in connection with preparation of their research papers, projects, thesis works, and solution of urgent scientific objectives.SRTC Sapa has two laboratories: laboratory ‘Physical and Chemical Research Methods’ and laboratory ‘Testing of Building Materials, Products and Structures’.
Rendering of scientific and technical services to production enterprises operating in the southern region of Kazakhstan, including students and candidates for master’s and PhD degrees of university in connection with chemical, physical-and-chemical and physical-and-mechanical testing of a wide range of materials, natural and synthetic materials, individual substances and chemical compounds.
Rendering of scientific and technical assistance to small- and medium-sized production enterprises in connection with a complex researching of compound objects, including to students, candidates for master’s and PhD degrees of university and researchers in connection with preparation of their research papers, projects, thesis works, and solution of urgent scientific objectives.SRTC Sapa has two laboratories: laboratory ‘Physical and Chemical Research Methods’ and laboratory ‘Testing of Building Materials, Products and Structures’.
The scope of SRTC Sapa accreditation includes testing of building materials made of soil, clay and limestone.
Chief of SRTC Sapa, A.P. Auyeshov, and senior scholar, engineer, E.M. Zholdassova, are researching physical and chemical properties of mining and metallurgical production wastes

Senior scholar, engineer, S.R. Ayupova, and candidates for a master’s degree are analyzing chemical properties of building materials

Senior scholars, engineers, A.D. Subanbayev and M.D. Kadyrbekov are testing strength of concrete cubes using press-machine PSU-125

Address: 5 Tauke khan Avenue, block B, office 103,
Shymkent 160012, South-Kazakhstan Region
Telephone: 8-7252-21-15-91
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 5 Tauke khan Avenue, block B, office 103,
Shymkent 160012, South-Kazakhstan Region
Telephone: 8-7252-21-15-91
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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