Testing regional laboratory of engineering profile "Structural and biochemical materials"

Testing regional laboratory of engineering profile "Structural and biochemical materials" was created under the patronage and personal initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev as one of the 20 laboratories for engineering and collective use.
The basis for the creation of the Testing Regional Laboratory of Engineering Profile “Structural and Biochemical Materials” is the decision of the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (protocol No. 24-5 / 007-526 of January 29, 2007).
The basis for the creation of the Testing Regional Laboratory of Engineering Profile “Structural and Biochemical Materials” is the decision of the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (protocol No. 24-5 / 007-526 of January 29, 2007).
Area of activity:
- analysis and certification of products of regional manufacturing companies for compliance with international criteria and standards;
- the formation of managerial methods and tools that create the most favorable conditions for scientific research and research on the basis of the laboratory, mainly in the field of creating new materials based on metallurgical, chemical, biological, biochemical, petrochemical technologies and nanotechnologies;
- the provision of services to interested third-party organizations and enterprises of the Southern region for research.
- analysis and certification of products of regional manufacturing companies for compliance with international criteria and standards;
- the formation of managerial methods and tools that create the most favorable conditions for scientific research and research on the basis of the laboratory, mainly in the field of creating new materials based on metallurgical, chemical, biological, biochemical, petrochemical technologies and nanotechnologies;
- the provision of services to interested third-party organizations and enterprises of the Southern region for research.

Head of Laboratory:
Khusanov Zhakhangir Evadullaevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Senior Researcher:
Shakirynova Z.M. – PhD
Organizes the collection and study of scientific and technical information on the topic, conducts analysis and theoretical generalization of scientific data, experimental results and observations.

Chief Specialist:
Kaldybekova G.M.– Master of Biotechnology
Participates in the development of measures to improve the quality of physical and chemical analyzes.

Chief Specialist:
Khegai R.D.
Controls the correctness of calculation and recording of measurement and test results in protocols and acts.

Advanced Engineer:
Kulikov E. G. - Master of Standardization and Metrology
Investigate the structure of solid samples and determine their elemental composition

Advanced Engineer:
Amirkhanova A. T. – Master of Science
Ensure timely and high-quality measurement and testing in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Advanced Engineer:
Auyelbekova Z. E. - Master of Science
Registration of new samples and chemical analysis

Address: 160012. SKO, Shymkent,
Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building B, room. 103
Phone: 8-7252-30-08-36
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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