Academic Science
TOP 10 scientists by the number of articles in Scopus
November 2021
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December 2021
Congratulations to Nazarbek Ulzhalgas Bakhytkyzy, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of Department of Academic Science, on the award of the state scientific scholarship for leading scientists. Nazarbek U.B. is the head of the grant research project AR09057884, funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She is the author of more than 100 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 5 study guides, 10 teaching aids, 17 articles in publications indexed in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus, her Hirsch index is 4. She is the winner of the grant “The best teacher of the university 2016”, in 2016 she had a scientific traineeship at Technical University of Munich (Germany), in 2017 at Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).
We sincerely congratulate Ulzhalgas Bakhytkyzy, we wish you great success in creative work, peace, prosperity and happiness!!!
Congratulations to Pernebekov Saken Sadibekovich, Professor of “Transport, organization of transportation and traffic” chair, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the award of the state scientific scholarship.
His scientific and pedagogical experience is 27 years, during which he has published more than 300 scientific and methodological works, including more than 20 study guides and monographs, 6 scientific articles in scientific journals included in the citation bases Scopus and Web of Science.
Pernebekov S.S. is the holder of the title “The best teacher of the university 2017” and in 2018-2020 he worked as a member of National Scientific Council in the field of “Energy and Mechanical Engineering” (Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 879 dated 26 December 2017).
Pernebekov S.S. prepared more than 10 winners of International research competitions of student research papers, 9 winners of university competitions of research and creative works of students in the field of training.
Professor Pernebekov S.S. actively participates in implementation of International and Republican scientific projects (fundamental and applied scientific research, grant and program-targeted funding), he was the executor of International project 530786-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-NL-Tempus-SMHES “Towards a Central Asian Higher Education Area: Tuning Structures and Building Quality Culture” (2015-2016), International project ERASMUS+ “598817-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPEEIHSR” – Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure at High-Speed Railways (EEIHSR) (2019 – to date) and the executor of three Republican projects.
The main directions of scientific activity of Professor Pernebekov S.S. is to increase the operational reliability and efficiency of the road transport rolling stock technical operation.
We wish Saken Sadibekovich new creative success and conquest of new heights!
Congratulations to Batyrbekkyzy Gaukhar, PhD of “History of Kazakhstan” chair, on the award of the state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists.
Batyrbekkyzy G. as a young scientist made a contribution to the development of the national historical science of Kazakhstan. On the topic of the research: “The Kazakh national intelligentsia of the early XX century” she worked in the state archives and libraries of the Russian Federation. She is the author of more than 60 works, including 1 monograph, 1 study guide, 2 teaching aids, 3 articles in indexed Scopus journals with high percentile. Her Hirsch Index is 1. For her contribution to research and popularization of the first Soviet diplomat Nazir Torekulov, she was awarded a medal of the fund. She is also a scholarship holder of Bolashak program by the decision of the commission for training personnel abroad as of 15 December 2020.
Congratulations to Batyrbekkyzy Gaukhar, we wish you fruitful work and high scientific achievements!
February 2022
to PhD-student of “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” chair Yerkebulan Raiymbekov, research supervisor Uilesbek Besterekov, co-authors Ulzhalgas Nazarbek, Perizat Abdurazova, with the publication of the review article “Review of methods and technologies for the enrichment of low-grade phosphorites” in REVIEWS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY with Q2 quartile (Web of Science Core Collection, SCIE). Link to the article:
Unfortunately, this was the last published scientific article by Uilesbek Besterekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, who died on 7 February 2022. The students continue his work, to which he devoted 40 years of his life!!!