The main activities of the center:
- editing of scientific and methodological literature, information and normative documents to ensure a high scientific and literary level of publications;
- implementation of the necessary literary editing of manuscripts;
- preparation of footnotes, duplicates, working tables of contents;
- consideration of illustrative materials together with authors, determination their place in the publication;
- participation in resolving issues related to the artistic and technical design of editing publications;
- interconnection and maintenance of contacts with foreign scientists;
- growth of the international significance of “Industrial Technology and Engineering” journal;
- increasing bibliographic information indicators of printed journals «М. Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ ғылыми еңбектері - Научные труды ЮКГУ имени М. Ауэзова - Transactions of M. Auezov SKSU» and «Оңтүстік Қазақстан ғылым Жаршысы - Вестник науки Южного Казахстана - South Kazakhstan Science Herald»;
- to ensure the quality of current documentation.
- conducting seminars and trainings at the Center of Professional Development and Interaction with foreign and domestic trainers-consultants in cooperation with the British Council.
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