M. Auezov SKSU - the leader in filing electronic applications for patenting inventions and utility models among legal entities

Today, innovation and business along with educational and scientific is one of the most important tasks of modern universities. An innovative-entrepreneurial university should position itself as the creator, manufacturer and marketer of high-tech products.

To date, our University has accumulated significant intellectual resources, the condition for the successful commercialization of which is the presence in SKSU of a developed innovation infrastructure that ensures the passage of scientific and technical development of the full innovation cycle: from generating a scientific idea that is ahead of the current level of development in the studied field of technology to the organization of production high technology products.

Starting from 2013, the department of intellectual property protection and evaluation, together with the RSE “National Intellectual Property Institute” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the RSE “NIPI”), organized an electronic filing of applications for issuing security documents for all industrial property objects - this is a significant step in the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, improving the quality of services provided to the public, reducing paper workflow and simplifying office work.

Since 2013, the department “Intellectual property protection and evaluation” has carried out the following work:

- received: Scientific discovery - 3; patent of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) - 5, Patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 47; Innovation Patents of Kazakhstan - 81; Patents for a utility model - 92, positive solutions - 74;

- in 2016, the department prepared and published three articles in the international journal “Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan” (No.2 “Problems of Commercialization of Intellectual Property”, No.3 “The Best Invention of SKSU”, No. 4 “The Best Inventor of SKSU”);

- a simplified electronic method for calculating the value of intellectual property has been developed, which is protected by the Copyright Certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- 9 patents were evaluated for a total amount of more than 93 million tenge. This amount was placed on the balance sheet as a share capital, which allowed us to be first in opening in Kazakhstan “UKGU” LLP at the state university;

- for outstanding contribution to the inventive and patent business in the Eurasian region in 2015 M.  Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was awarded with the V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal of the Eurasian Patent Organization;

- in 2017, our university, probably for the first time in South Kazakhstan, filed and registered an application for the alleged invention “Combined Drilling Tool Driller-Cutter” under the PCT international patent cooperation system. The invention relates to the mining industry, in particular to mechanical rotary drilling tools and can be used for drilling wells in the mining, oil and gas industry. It is especially to note that the reason for this action was the results of an extended patent search among industrial designs, which in turn gave hope for the sale of this intellectual property. Therefore, it was decided to patent the invention in Sweden, which is the world's largest drilling tool manufacturer;

- in 2018, an electronic catalog of patents of SKSU was developed, which included a simplified electronic methodology for the evaluation of intangible assets, protected by a copyright certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These materials in 2018 are posted on the website of SKSU in the form of an electronic exchange;

- since 2012, our university confidently occupies the 3rd place in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the number of applications for an invention, utility models, etc.;

- by the end of 2018, M. Auezov SKSU is the leader in filing electronic applications for patenting inventions and utility models among legal entities (information is available at www.kazpatent.kz);

- the department constantly takes an active part in the preparation and holding of various seminars and conferences related to the commercialization of scientific research, as well as in the preparation of presentations and reports of SRD.

We congratulate the staff of M. Auezov SKSU on high achievement and recognition in the field of protection and evaluation of intellectual property!



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