«The essence and values of the Great Steppe Civilization»
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The international scientifically-practical conference “The essence and values of the Great Steppe Civilization” was held at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
The conference was organized for the purpose of propaganda of the program article of the Head of State N. Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” and realization of the tasks mentioned in it.
Moderator of the conference, the rector of the university D. Kozhamzharova: “Space is the measure of everything and time is of the entire event. The history of the nation begins when the horizons of time and space come together. This is not just a good aphorism” - the article of the Head of the State, which began with a great impression of our minds, attracted the attention of not only Kazakhstan, but also Central Asian and Turkic-speaking communities to deeper understanding of the essence and values of the Great Steppe Civilization. As people say “Misfortune never comes alone” the memory of the descendants from continuing calamities had faded away from the facts about their ancestors and had forgotten some of the great men. Thanks to the sacred Independence, we have to regain our lost values and regain our historical identity. Today's conference will focus on the importance of the ancient Turkestan, Otyrar cities, the value of the Great Silk Road, the image of great names, thinkers and poets, and people who governed”.
The conference was attended by foreign and domestic scientists, state and public figures, university professors, young scientists, students, media representatives.
Honorary citizens of the South Kazakhstan region Shalatai Myrzakhmetov, Asselkhan Kalybekova made speeches and professor from the University of Marmara, Turkey, Cengiz Tomar, domestic professors Mekemtas Myrzahmetuly, Ergobek Kulbek, Mukhtar Kozha and others made presentations.
Конференция аясында «Мұхтартану», «Елбасытану» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығына танымдық экскурссиялар жасалынды. Университеттің гуманитарлық бағытындағы ғылыми жетістіктер көрмесі, Түркістан облысының тарихи-өлкетану мұражайының және Шымкент қаласының «Отырар» ғылыми-әмбебап кітапханасының кітаптар көрмесі ұйымдастырылды. Конференцияға 200-ге жуық мақала келіп түсіп, пленарлық және секциялық мәжілістерде 67 баяндама тыңдалып талқыланады.
Within the conference cognitive excursions to the center “Mukhtartannu” and the scientific and methodological center “Elbasytanu” were made. Exhibition of scientific achievements of the university in humanitarian direction, the exhibition of books of the local history museum of the Turkestan region and the scientific-universal library “Otyrar” of Shymkent were organized. About 200 articles have been submitted to the conference and 67 reports have been discussed at plenary and sectional sessions.