"The advanced methods of teaching sub-sections to the field-specific projects in the technical areas"
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4 february 2020 year in the framework of the TsKGU im. M. Auezov and school-lyceum No. 52 was given a methodological and methodological merit on the subject: "The advanced methods of teaching sub-sections to the field-specific projects in the technical areas". The meropathy: to provide friendly education for the progress of our work in the process of global civilization, the transfer of blind people to the technical projects, the professional work of the company.
In the Meropriyatie, you received a copy of the tutor of the TsKGU M. Auezov: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief of Staff of Archimedes Perpetuum mobile Nauryzbayev KK, Department of Information Systems, PhD, Associate Professor Iztaev JD, Department of Architecture , Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Imanaliev KE, Director of the Center of Professional orientation work, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Aitureev M.J. - Lyceum 52 under the guidance of the director Bimirzayevoy A.Zh. The bookshelves are filled with information about the study of the study and the results of these nominations under the heading `` The best young researchers and the best of subjects ''.