Week of seminars of the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise (a branch in Shymkent) in M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
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Department of Integration of Scientific and Publication Activities of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University from 26 February till 2nd of March 2018 was held a week “Activity of the South Kazakhstan branch of JSC “National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise”. Publication of scientific articles in the journals included in the Web of Science database”.
Within the framework of the event seminars were held on the topics: Collection of scientific and technical information: Questionnaire of scientist (expert), Map “New technologies”, Register of publications in scientific journals with impact factor, Registration of research papers and execution of reports on research, Technical design of doctoral dissertation, Plagiarism check on the basis of the system “Antiplagiat”, Services for foreign information resources:
- determination of the number of publications, citations and Hirsch index of the author and organization;
- Definition of the journals included in the foreign databases Web of Science (Clarivate Analitics) and Scopus (Elsevier).
Participants of seminars discussed main reasons for the low publication in journals with the impact factor, general issues of publication in the journals included in the Web of Science database on the topics like “Selection of a journal: how to find a journal with an impact factor and avoid unfair publications” and “How to correctly write a scientific article for publication in foreign peer-reviewed journals” and were consulted on the structuring and design of the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of Kazakhstani and international publishing houses.