The interview was successful

Recently, the Center for Pre-University Training of the M. Auyezov South Kazakhstan University held an interview on the ZOOM platform for enrolling foreign citizens. The specially created admission committee was chaired by Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor M. Aitoreev, members of the commission-teachers of the Center headed by the head of the Center for Pre-University Training, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor R. Kamaldinov, who accepted 148 applicants, dividing them into 4 groups.

During the reception, the audience was asked the following questions: "Do you know the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan?", " What can you say about the phenomenon of Elbasy in the era of independence?", " What is your attitude to the education of compatriots abroad?", " What plans for the future are you building by enrolling in a preparatory center?", " What do you know about the successes and achievements of our sovereign country in the year of the 30th anniversary of independence?" and others, comprehensive answers were received to the questions asked by the listeners.

During the conversation, some of the listeners told in detail about the state symbols of our country and their authors. They also noted the selfless work of the head of state Nazarbayev, who made an invaluable contribution to the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan. The participants also expressed their sincere gratitude to our country, for which one of the priority areas of policy is the resettlement of compatriots from abroad to their native places, the creation of favorable conditions for the education of the descendants of immigrants in their historical homeland. They also noted that they intend to study at this preparatory center, win university grants, and contribute to the prosperity and development of independent Kazakhstan in the future.

The students do not hide their dream of becoming students of higher educational institutions in the future and being the owners of a certain specialty, they want to defend the honor of the university in every possible way with their activities, knowledge and skills, and actively participate in the implementation of the spiritual and cultural program of our educational institution.

In conclusion, the students took part in the interview, answered questions systematically, showed a good command of the Kazakh language. In addition, it was clear that they knew little about the history, literature, art, culture and traditions of our country. As a result, out of 148 listeners who took part in the interview, 143 people successfully passed it.

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