6B07124 Electrotechnical machinery and energy systems engineering


Name of the EP

6B07124 Electrotechnical machinery and energy systems engineering

Code and Classification of Education

6B07 Engineering, Manufacture and Civil engeneering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B071 Engineering and Engineering trades

Group of educational programs (EP)

B064 Mechanics and Metalworking

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctivefeaturesof EP


PartnerUniversity (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Opening-up of competitive specialists with practical skills in designing production and maintenance of electrical and power machines, who are able to apply the results of the latest advanced technologies and achievements in the field of power engineering.

Name of the degree awarded

"Engineering and technology"

Field of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity is educational, scientific and production processes in state and non-state institutions, as well as in private companies engaged in the production of competitive energy engineering products.

Learning outcomes

LO1. Freely to communicate in the professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English to solve the problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction, taking into account the principles of academic writing and the culture of academic integrity.

LО2.To show natural-science, mathematical, social and economic and engineering knowledge in professional work, methods of mathematical data processing, methods theoretical and an experimental research, knowledge standard documents and elements of the economic assaying.

LО3. To possess ability of generalisation, the assaying and perception of the information and handling of experimental data, to use the information on new master schedules and new aspects of a utilities equipment in the activity.

LО4. Design electrical, power equipment and cable products, ensuring the reliability and durability of new and modernized products, organizing technical guidance on the development of technological processes.

LО5. Apply the latest technologies and structural materials in mechanical engineering, reducing the launch time of new products, based on new technological processes and new types of energy equipment;.

LО6. Calculate the elements of power machines and installations taking into account the properties of structural materials, dynamic and thermal loads using computer-aided design systems and 3D printing technologies.

LО7. To carry out production and maintenance of power equipment and systems

LО8. Design schemes and methods of installation and commissioning and maintenance work based on the use of methods of organization, testing and maintenance of technological processes.

LО9. To make and justify specific design decisions when creating objects of electrical and power engineering, to submit technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of the USDD.

LО10. To plan and perform numerical experimental studies, process and analyze the results, participate in testing of power engineering equipments;

LО11.To design innovative types of electrical products based on knowledge-intensive power engineering;

LО12. Demonstrate the skills of self-education, self-education, a healthy lifestyle throughout life, teamwork.

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