Meeting with representatives of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (Czech Republic) was held in M.Auezov SKSU

In M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state University was held on 8th  October 2019 an official visit of the delegation from  partner  University of  Chemistry and Technology, Prague, representatives were Vice-rector for external relations and communications- Pavel Matejka, Vice-rector for education - Belohlav Zdenek, Professor of the Department of chemistry of natural compounds -  Paul Drasar and Professor in the Department of chemistry of solids - Bohumil Kratochvila.

The purpose of the visit of the delegation was to discuss further cooperation between the two universities in the field of academic mobility of students and teachers, attracting foreign scientists for guest lectures, the development of joint educational programs in the field of chemical technologies, the publication of scientific articles and joint research in the framework of the current Memorandum of cooperation.

University of  Chemistry and Technology, Prague  - the largest University of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe, with extensive experience in teaching Polytechnic chemistry in the Czech Republic, ranked 365 in the QS World ranking and 2nd place among universities in the Czech Republic.

During the meeting with the head administration of our University, represented by the First Vice-rector Nurmanbetov K. E. and the staff of the Higher school of chemical engineering and biotechnology, under the leadership of Dean Anarbayev A.A., a constructive and effective dialogue took place  on the prospects of international cooperation in the field of chemical science.

Vice-rector for external relations and communications Pavel Matejka noted that the UCT Prague  is interested in fruitful cooperation with Kazakh universities and one of the strategic partners is the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state University, which has a great scientific and educational potential region in the south of the Kazakhstan, in the most highly concentrated industrial zone, where the development of chemistry and chemical industry has long-term prospects.

Both universities have outlined strategies for international cooperation in the framework of training of specialists in the field of chemical engineering, textile industry and food industry and expressed the desire to continue to cooperate in the above areas.

To concrete, this event is a logical continuation of the agreements within the Memorandum on cooperation and discussions received in this meeting will serve as a strong Foundation for strengthening bilateral partnership between the two universities.


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