Religion and traditions are the basis of education
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The meeting on the theme "Religion and traditions are the basis of education" was held with spiritual leaders at the faculty on work with foreign students and pre-university training within the program " Рухани жаңғыру ". The religious scholar of the State Public Institution "Center on the Study of Religious matters" Khalykov Medet Muzapparovich, the theological specialist Kuralai Daniyarovna Zhulshiyeva, the imam of the mosque "Karabura" Serik Baltabatyev, the senior teacher of the University Sembai Beisenbayev, as well as teachers, students and learners of the faculty took part in the event. Specialists-theologians raised questions about the necessity of warning the young generation of the harmful influence of pseudo-religious brands, the importance of providing objective information about true religion, which contributes to the spiritual perfection of the individual.
Thus, the expert of the Center on the Study of Religious matters Khalykov Medet Muzapparovich called to the popularization of the rich spiritual heritage, national values, religious beliefs, traditions and customs of our people that are passed on from generation to generation among the students.
The imam of the mosque "Karabura" S. Baltabayev expressed the opinion that traditional religion is the basis of morality and charity, morality and kindness. The senior curator of the University S.Beisenbayev in his speech emphasized the close relationship between such concepts as "religion" and "traditions" and especially noted the educational significance of such events in the formation of national tolerance in the conditions of our multinational, multi-confessional society.
During the meeting, the listeners received full answers from the theologians, clergymen and spiritual leaders about the essence of religion, its origin, the role of religion in the history of the people.
The event ended with a small concert program. The guests and participants of the meeting highly appreciated masterful performance of the terme by the skillful dombraplayer of the faculty N.Bazarbek. The new poetic lines, which came from the pen of Zhanabai Bakashara, also aroused great admiration.
Summing up the event, the chief specialist of the faculty N. Abilkhaiyrov thanked the guests on behalf of the whole staff and presented them books.