This year marks 127 years since the birth of a great son of our nation, the outstanding writer, public figure, and scholar Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov. September 28th is his birthday. For the staff of our university, which bears his name, this is a special day. In honor of this great figure’s birthday, a traditional festive event was held today at South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, attended by university leaders, faculty, and students.The event began with laying flowers and paying tribute to the memory of the great writer. Acting Chairman of the Board – Rector of the university, Gani Abzelbekovich Bessbayev, congratulated everyone on this significant day.

– M. Auezov immortalized the image of the Great Abai in his epic novel “The Path of Abai”. Furthermore, Mukhtar Omarkhanovich laid a solid foundation for the science of Abay studies. Today, the fields of Abay studies and Auezov studies are pillars of modern Kazakh literature and literary criticism,– noted Gani Abzelbekovich.

Doctor of Philology, Professor Bolat Tileuberdiyev, and senior researcher of the Auezov Studies Center Akzhol Kalshabek spoke about the writer’s creative legacy, the results of research, and shared new, previously unknown facts. Additionally, 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Philology, Diana Baratova and Dastan Andakul, dedicated poems to the writer.

Today, various events dedicated to Auezov’s memory and work are taking place across all faculties of our university. As long as the Kazakh people exist, the precious legacy of the great writer will live on forever.

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