Today, the Auezov University community celebrated Republic Day, which is marked on October 25th.The university’s faculty, staff, and students took part in the celebration. The Acting Chairman of the Board and Rector of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Gani Besbayev, delivered a congratulatory speech, wishing the university community success and acknowledging the importance of this day.

Gani Abzelbekuly also emphasized:

"Today, we proudly celebrate Kazakhstan's achievements in political, economic, scientific, and higher educational fields, as well as its successes on the world stage. Our university has already begun celebrating. Last night, at an event organized by the Faculty of Culture and Arts at the Turkestan Palace, we witnessed how such events foster patriotism in our youth and inspire our students. On this special day, I wish for further prosperity and development for our homeland – Kazakhstan," he said.


During the celebration, the Chairman of the Board honored several professors for their outstanding contributions to science and higher education with medals, honorary certificates from the Ministry, and letters of appreciation.


The celebration concluded with a concert. Auezov University wishes everyone a happy Republic Day – an important national holiday! May our nation remain strong and independent!

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