Discussion of the article of the President

In SKSU at M. Auezov in the staff of the Center of Pre-university training and the college held a discussion of the article N.A. Nazarbayev "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe".

College Director, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S.N. Alibek elaborated in his speech on the relevance of the article of the President.

S.N. Alibek explained the idea of ​​the article to the younger generation in detail, and noted the need to convey to young people the role of our ancestors in global history in the vast expanses of Eurasia.

The historian K. Myrzabekov highlighted the issues of the world revolution in the economy and military affairs, accomplished by nomads, including the domestication of the horse in the Saka era, the use of the horse as an advanced means of heavy cavalry in wartime, the birth of a global sensation, which gave rise to the discovery of the Golden Man of the Saka period.

College teachers M.Mynbayeva and N.Dosanbay explained in their speeches the provisions of the article on the modernization of historical consciousness.

The senior curator of the university S. Beysenov expressed his opinion on the article, which in the context of globalization is the basis for the formation of the nation.

At the end of the discussion, college director S. Alibek noted the great responsibility entrusted to teachers in explaining to the younger generation the history of the Great Steppe, Maglіl Yel, as well as the need for joint efforts of all the staff, the whole country to implement the tasks outlined in the article restoration of national history, the history of the Great Steppe.

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