Division of quality assurance organization and control of teaching in foreign languages
“...The Kazakh language retains its dominant position. Much attention shall be paid to its further development. Today, however, English is the language of new technologies, new industries and new economy. Currently, 90% of the world information is in English. Every two years its volume doubles. Kazakhstan cannot reach national progress without mastery of the English language”. N. Nazarbayev. From Address of the President of Kazakhstan “Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness” 2017 |
Head of the division of organization and control of quality assurance for training in foreign languages Tukibayeva Ainur Sultankhanovna Candidate of Chemistry, associate professor For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent city, 160012, Tauke Khan ave.5, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Main building, office 212 Office phone:8-7252-21-05-93 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Staff of the division
Beisenova Gulzhan Abdullakhanovna Specialist of the highest level of qualification master of philology For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent city, 160012, Tauke Khan ave.5, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Main building, office 212 Office phone: 8-7252-21-05-93 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Kosparmakova Samal Specialist of the highest level of qualification For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent city, 160012, Tauke Khan ave.5, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Main building, office 200 Office phone: 8-7252-21-05-93 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
The division of quality assurance organization and control of teaching in foreign languages of Department of Academic Affairs at SKSU was established by the order of the Rector in July 2012.
Basic tasks of the division are:
- organization and control of the quality of teaching subjects in English language;
- organization and coordination of the work of faculties, chairs and other divisions on academic process assurance in English language;
- documentation and preparation of report data on students’ contingent and organization of academic process in English language at the university;
- organization and holding the interviews with teaching staff of the university for determining their language level of English language;
- organization of activities for improving English language level of teaching stuff and students.
Basic functions of the division are:
- organization and control of the quality of teaching discipline in English language;
- coordination the work of faculties, chairs and other divisions on academic process assurance in English language;
- holding the interviews with teaching staff of the university for determining their language level of English language;
- organization of the activities for improving the quality of teaching discipline in English language;
- organization of the timely and qualitative presentation of SKSU’s necessary documents to MES RK concerning the trilingual education;
- control of the implementation of normative and legal documents concerning trilingual education;
- holding the consultations for university teachers on teaching subjects in English language.
Teaching the subjects in English language is carried out from 2004-2005 academic year at M.Auezov SKSU.
In the current academic year, English is taught in 9 faculties of 25 specialties on educational programs of the pedagogical, engineering-technical and natural-science directions of the bachelor's degree and 44 English groups with a contingent of 412 students of 3-4 courses. In the organization of the educational process 102 professor-teachers stuff are involved. In total 174 disciplines are taught in English language. Coverage of disciplines in English language today reaches an average of 48% of the total number of disciplines.
From 2016-2017 academic year in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Kazakhstan Republic dated May 13, 2016 №292 "On amendments and additions to Government Decision №1080 of August 23, 2012" On approval of state mandatory education standards for appropriate levels of education " all tranches are implemented trilingual education, i.e. planning and organization of educational activities is carried out in three languages: the learning language, the second and English. At the same time, 50% of the subjects are taught in the language of teaching (Kazakh or Russian), 20% of the subjects in the second language (Russian or Kazakh, respectively) and 30% of the academic subjects in English language.