Educational-methodological association
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Head of the Educational and Methodological Association Turebekova G.Z., Ph.D., professor
Bolashak Program Fellow, University of Lorraine, France, Best Teacher 2013 University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, awarded medals of Leibniz (Germany), Pythagoras (France), badge "Honored Worker of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", has more than 170 scientific and methodological works, 12 textbooks and teaching aids, 10 patents |
The educational and methodological association (hereinafter UMO) acts on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the creation of the Republican educational and methodological council of higher and postgraduate education and educational and methodological associations in the areas of personnel training and approval of the regulations on their activities" No. 562 dated October 12 2018. The educational and methodological association on the basis of M.Auezov YuKU is a structural subdivision of the Republican educational and methodological council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to increase the effectiveness of the Educational and Methodological Association (UMO) on the basis of the Order (No. 14-14 / 4171 of 09/30/2019) The Republican Educational and Methodological Council (RUMS) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan transformed the activities of the Educational and Methodological Association into the format of the Project Management Group, according to which the activities of the UMO-SUE are carried out according to the Roadmap of the RUMS MES RK. South Kazakhstan State University. Auezov is the Project Office of the Educational-Methodological Association - Project Management Group, where the Chairman of Educational-Methodological Association - Project Management Group is - Rector of SKU named after Auezov DP Kozhamzharova, administrator - Turebekova G.Z. Activities are carried out in the following groups of educational programs: - Chemical engineering and processes: “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”, “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials”, “Chemical technology of organic substances” and “Petrochemistry” - program and project managers: Anarbaev A.A., Seitmagzimova G.I. , Dzhanmuldaeva Zh.K., Sakibaeva S.A., Turebekova G.Z., Pusurmanova G.Zh., Esimov B.O., Adyrbaeva T.A., Dubinina E.S .; - Training of teachers with a subject specialization of general development: "Professional education" and "Initial military training" - program and project managers: Kamalov Yu.N., Zholdasbekova S.A., Demeuov A., Bekbosunov A.K .; - Leisure: "Cultural and leisure work" - program and project manager: Saparova Yu.A., Kadyralieva A. The purpose of the Educational-Methodological Association - Project Management Group Project Office at M. Auezov SKU is to manage the activities of the Project Management Groups in the areas of training within the framework of a comprehensive renewal of the educational content. The project office creates dialogue platforms between stakeholders; takes measures to improve the quality of education, the competitiveness of universities and professional training; At the moment, the Educational-Methodological Association - Project Management Group includes 100 representatives, including: 25 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 colleges, representatives of foreign universities, stakeholders: employers, representatives of industrial enterprises, educational and cultural institutions, students, undergraduates and doctoral students. According to the requirements of modern education standards, the Project Office is implementing the updated content for training teachers of a new formation; development of mechanisms and implementation of dual training, projects of interaction with representatives of production and business are being developed to create an educational, scientific and educational complex in order to increase the competitiveness of graduates-specialists in the labor market.The main tasks of the educational and methodological association are: - implementation of interconnection and coordination of educational and methodological activities of educational organizations conducting training in the specialties of the "Education" group; - preparation of recommendations for improving the state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education, a classifier of areas for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education; -forming recommendations on the definition of core subjects of UNT, CT for applicants in the areas of training for admission to higher education organizations, as well as disciplines of HEI for students of higher education organizations
Chemical technology of inorganic substances
Seitmagzimova Galina Manuilovna
A head of the chair, a Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor Head of the department «Chemical technology of inorganic substances»
Daurenbek Nazarbek Muhaddasovich – chairman of the section Candidate of technical science,
associate professor Head of the chair «Technology of oil, gas and polymer»
Yessimov Begen Omarovich– chairman of the section ХТТНиСМ A head of the chair,a Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor Head of the chair « Technology of cement, ceramic and glass »
Currently, the department "Technologies of Cement, Ceramics and Glass" is training bachelors in EP "6B07190 - Chemical technology of infusible non-metallic and silicate materials" and "6B07191 - Examination of ceramics, glass and crystals"; masters in educational programs: "7M07190 - Chemical technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials "(scientific and pedagogical direction) and" 7M07192 - Chemical technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials "(profile direction of study) and doctoral students according to EP" 8D07190 - Chemical technology of infusible, nonmetallic and silicate materials "
In 2019 the bachelor's program successfully passed international accreditation and received a certificate. The master's program has also passed examination and is accredited by IQAA.
There are educational laboratories at the department: "Chemical technology of ceramics and infusibles", "Chemical technology of binders", "Chemical technology of glass and glass-crystals", "Crystallography and mineralogy", educational, research and production center "Silicate" with crushing, grinding and departments, "Complex laboratory of modern test methods of silicate materials", etc. Laboratories are equipped with modern equipment
«Professional education»
Djoldasbekova Saule Abdrazakovna- chairman of the section Professional education
Doctor pedagogical sciences, professor Head of the chair « Professional education »
Information on the educational program of Vocational training
Training of pedagogical personnel at the department of Vocational training is carried out according to a three-step system: "Bachelor's", "Master's", "PhD Doctorate". In the direction of the bachelor's degree, personnel training is carried out according to two educational programs 6В01450- "Vocational training" and 6В01451- "Artistic work and drawing". In the areas of magistracy, one educational program 7M01450- "Vocational training" and in the direction of PhD doctoral studies, one educational program 8D01450- "Vocational training". The degree of teaching staff of the department is 50%, two of them are doctors of pedagogical sciences, professors. The department has a specialized Council for the defense of dissertations in the specialty 8D01450- "Vocational training". A chairperson of the specialized Council is the head of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor S.A. Zholdasbekova
The material and technical base of the department is supplied with modern technological machines, equipment and accessories.«BASIC MILITARY TRAINING» Жолдасбекова Бибисара Абдиманатовна - chairman of the section НВП Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the chair «Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Initial Military Training»
General information about the educational program
6B01410 - " Training of primary military training teachers»
Project Manager of the educational program "Initial military training" - head of the Department "Theory and methods of physical education and initial military training", candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Zholdasbekova Bibisara Abdumanapovna.
Our main goal, in accordance with the mission of the University, is to prepare a competitive teacher of "Primary military training" with General cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the system of educational programs and the requirements of the labor market.
Today, training in the specialty "Initial military training" is carried out in seventeen universities in Kazakhstan, and
we work closely with them. We develop curricula that meet the requirements of employers, develop educational programs
6B01410 - "Training of primary military training teachers" in accordance with modern requirements, taking into account changes in the labor market, new teaching methods in General education schools under the updated program " Primary military and technological training».
We also use textbooks and manuals, work closely with research and teaching teams, and pay special attention to academic mobility and student Olympiads.
In the framework of the educational program "basic military training" work closely with the Shymkent IT-Lyceum №7 them. K. Satpaev St., secondary school №54, school - Lyceum №77 of them. A. Askarov, secondary school №4 im. G. Dosmukhamedov and also work closely with the secondary school №24 named after S.Еrubaev and school-gymnasium № 50 named after A. Baitursynov.
Textbooks published by the Republican educational and methodological Council in the 2019-2020 academic year:
1. Fire training. Textbook. Akhmetov B.R., Sadykov K.I., Demeuov A.K., Kozhamzharov E.Z.
2. Military physical training. Textbook. Demeuov A.K., Sihimbaev K.S., Mustafaev I.T., Zhunisov G.B.
3. Military topography and military engineering training. Textbook. Demeuov A.K., Bekbosunov A.K., Bektaev N.A., Les E.A.
4. Methods of teaching combat tactics. Textbook. Demeuov A. K., Akhmetov B. R., Bekbosunov A.K..
Учебники, изданные Республиканским учебно-методическим советом в 2019-2020 учебном году:
1. Огневая подготовка. Учебник. Ахметов Б.Р., Садыков К.И., Демеуов А.К., Кожамжаров Е.З.
2. Военно-физическая подготовка. Учебник. Демеуов А.К., Сихимбаев К.С., Мустафаев И.Т., Жунисов Г.Б.
3. Военная топография и военно-инженерная подготовка. Учебник. Демеуов А.К., Бекбосунов А.К., Бектаев Н.А., Лес Е.А.
4. Методика обучения тактики боевых действии. Учебник. Демеуов А.К., Ахметов Б.Р., Бекбосунов А.К.
Cultural and leisure work
Tleubaev Cerаli Schabaevisch- Doctor of philosophy sciences., professor The head of the department «Cultural and social activity»
The specialty 6B11120 "Cultural and leisure work" was opened in 1967 for the first time in Kazakhstan at the State Institute of Culture. Currently, this specialty is being prepared by 8 universities in the following specialties:
6B11120 - specialty: Cultural and leisure work, specialization:
6B11120 (01) - teacher organizer of cultural and leisure activities in schools and out-of-school institutions.6B111200 (02) - Direction of mass celebrations and performances,
6B111200 (03) leadership of the folk theater,
6B111200 (04) - leadership of the choir,6B111200 (05) - leadership of the dance group,
6B11120 (06) - leadership of the orchestra of folk instruments
Daytime education, evening department is conducted in Russian and Kazakh languages, 4 years. Part-time education: secondary specialized education for 3 years, with higher education for 2 years. Evening form of education - 5 years.Specialty: Cultural and leisure work gives students the acquisition of knowledge and skills: organizing and staging mass celebrations and performances, theatrical concerts, competitions and festivals, show programs, private creative activities for organizing holidays, anniversaries, celebrations: directing art and acting: art artistic reading, oratory, presenter-conference: scenario art, leadership of a folk theater, leadership of a choir, leadership of a dance group, leadership of an orchestra of folk instruments. Many pop stars studied in the specialty of cultural and leisure work, these are Marat Omarov, Makhpal Zhunusova.
After graduation, the graduate is sent to a specialist in cultural and leisure institutions.
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