Dear applicants!



Dear applicants!


If you want to enter a university and study in Kazakhstan,

come to the preparatory courses!


The Center of Pre-university training of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University invites Kazakhs from abroad to a preparatory course in a NEW FORMAT for the 2024-2025 academic year!


Citizens enrolled in preparatory training courses will be provided with a payment (scholarship) in the amount of 41 000 tenge. The training period is 9 months.

The training course is FREE of CHARGE.


           Documents required for admission to the preparatory course:

1) identity document (passport) - copy

2) the original document of education in secondary school (11th grade) or college;

3) 4 3x4 photos;

4) Medical certificate form 075/Y;

5) application.


All questions and references can be obtained at the address: Shymkent, Ryskulbekov str., house No. 1. 13 building of M. Auezov University


Paid UNT preparation courses for graduates of schools of the region and the city.

The right choice, high-quality education and a confident future with us!!!


The Center of Pre-university training of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University invites students to the preparatory courses for the UNT in two languages (Kazakh and Russian) in a NEW FORMAT in the 2024-2025 academic year in the following subjects.


         Subjects included in the UNT testing:

  • Reading Literacy – Mathematics
  • History of Kazakhstan – Russian


Optional subjects:

Physics, Biology, General History, Chemistry


In the academic buildings of the state educational institution, equipped in accordance with the requirements of the time, classes are taught by teachers of schools of the highest category and teachers of the M. Auezov SKU, who have extensive experience in preparing for the UNT.


The training period is 9 months.


Address: Shymkent, K. Ryskulbekov str., 1a. 3rd floor

Contact phone numbers: +7 702 452 2262, +7 707 238 0393, +7 707 152 6395  


Preparatory courses for foreign citizens on a paid basis

The Center of Pre-university training of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan in the 2024-2025 academic year invites to preparatory courses for foreigners.


       The main purpose of the paid course of study:

- preparation of foreign citizens for admission to higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.


                   The training period is 6-9 months.

                   The cost of training is 270,000 tenge


Foreign citizens who wish to study at paid preparatory courses are taught in subjects – Russian language, history of Kazakhstan, mathematics, general history.


Reception tel: +7 702 452 2262, +7 707 238 0393, +7 707 152 6395  

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or a website .

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