Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
Main tasks and functions of special department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan." Special department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" was created by the decision of the Academic Council of M.Auezov SKSU of January 30 ,2015, Minutes № 8.
The manager of department Esenaliev Askat Eralievich Adress: Shimkent, prospectus of a street. Таuке-khan 5, Main case, 350 studies Telephone: 8-7252-30-09-75 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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List of staff
The manager of department
Esenaliev Askat Eralievich
Adress: Shimkent, prospectus of a street.
Таuке-khan 5, Main case, 350 studies
Telephone: 8-7252-30-09-75
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Uteeva Kamshat Kurmanbayevna
Main specialist
Master's degree of political science
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Bekzhigtova Sanduqash Beqasilovna
Main specialist
master of law,
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Bazhak Nazira Perneshovna
Specialists of the highest level of qualification
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Sakova Gulnazira Zhalilhanovna
Specialists of the highest level of qualification
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Baimakhanov Nurbek Baktiyarovich
Specialists of the highest level of qualification
Master of historical sciences and humanities
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Amirhan Erhan Ashirhanovich
Specialists of the highest level of qualification
Master of historical sciences and humanitiesUmbet Maral Abdimalikovna
Specialists of the highest level of qualification
Master of Human Sciences religious studies the main expert
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On November 29, 2019 at 16.00 in the Assembly hall of the main building of the South Kazakhstan state University named After M. Auezov, a meeting on the theme "N. Nazarbayev-a great personality of the world of politics"was held. The meeting was organized by the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" of South Kazakhstan state University named After M. Auezov.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the APK Shymkent head of the Secretariat Kalmuratov Muratali Orazalievich, head of the KSU of public consent Shymkent Baikonakov Erbol suleimenovich.
During the meeting, the head of the Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Esenaliev Askat Yeralyuly, chief specialist of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Uteeva Kamshat Kurmanbaikyzy were awarded letters of thanks.
November 26, 2019 at 15.00 in the main building of the South Kazakhstan state University named After M. Auezov.SKSU. M. Auezov held a round table on "the Basics of mangilik El-unity, peace, harmony". The round table was organized by the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov.
The purpose of the round table: the transformation of the country into a dynamically developing state, the revival of national interests, spiritual peace and popularization of the Kazakh nation, the revival of existing historical processes.
The moderator of the meeting was the head of the special Department "Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan" SKSU. M. Auezova Ph. D., associate Professor Esenaliev Askat Eralievich.
The round table was attended by the head of the project office of modernization of public consciousness of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov, PhD, associate Professor Zhanysbekova Gulnar Amirbekovna, Akberdieva Saima Nazhipovna, Deputy Chairman of Shymkent city Tatar-Bashkir ethno-cultural Association, Iskandarova Diana Shamilovna student of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov, Chairman of the club "Dostyk" and students of the University.
Seminar-lecture on articles of the head of the state N. And. Nazarbayev "Mangilik El" budi negs baity", "Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani gear" and "Uly Delany Zheti yry»
From 20 to 21 November 2019. M. Auezova at the faculties "Construction and transport", "Textile and food engineering", "Law and international relations", "Management and business", "Mechanics and oil and gas business" specialists of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" on schedule held a seminar - lecture on the topic: according to the articles of the head of state N. A. Nazarbayev "Mangilik El" kurudyn negizgi bagyty", "Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru" Zhane "uly dalanyn Zheti kyry» The purpose of the seminar is to explain the articles "looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness" and "seven faces of the great steppe"among students.
Meeting on "Peace and harmony-the choice of independent Kazakhstan" dedicated to the day of spiritual harmony
October 17, 2019 at 11: 00 in the main hall 8 of the academic building of South Kazakhstan state University. M. Auezov held a meeting on "Spiritual agreement-the beginning of unity" within the framework of the Spiritual agreement in Kazakhstan. The meeting was organized by the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Department of Educational work and youth policy of South Kazakhstan state University.M. Auezov.
The purpose of the meeting is to publicize the meaning, content and necessity Of the day of Spiritual Harmony. Promotion of interreligious, interethnic, public associations and political parties, as well as the promotion of charity on the day of Spiritual harmony, goodwill and mercy. The main priorities of state policy and interfaith communication in social harmony and national unity in the activities were explained in detail.
The meeting was attended by the heads of departments and teaching staff of the University: first Vice-rector South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov of Nurmanbetov Kairat Unbelieved, public and state figure Salati Myrzakhmetovich Myrzakhmetov, head of Department of internal policy and religious Affairs of Shymkent city Bektaeva Zhanar Alibekovna, head of KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" akim's apparatus of Shymkent city Biconcave Yerbol suleimenovich, Director of KSU "Center for the study of religions" of Besbaev MADI Asilbekova and students of the University.
Table on a theme «ТІЛ - ТАТУЛЫҚ ТІРЕГІ»
on September, 20, 2019 the Main corps of the South-Kazakhstan state university of the name М. Ауэзова in the hall of meeting of academician to them С.Т.Сулейменова took place round table on a theme "ТІЛ - ТАТУЛЫҚ ТІРЕГІ". Round table it was organized by the special department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" and by Department to "Educator work and youth politics" of the South-Kazakhstan state university of the name М. Ауэзова.
Aim round table - to bring up to the young people, that love the mother tongue, extend the sphere of official language, popularize status and value of official language, move forward Kazakh among the representatives of other nationalities, promoting the level of knowledge, interest in reading, waking up patriotic.
In-process round table took part chief of department of language development of ЮКГУ the name of М.Ауэзова, Ақтолқын Жамантаева, director of the Methodical center of educating to the languages of city Шымкента Жуманова Нурила Серикбаевна, chairman of association of "Дустлик" to Caviars of Акрамович Хасимжанов, master's degree ЮКГУ the name of М.Ауэзова Хамраев Алишер Ягшимырадович, students and teachers of institution of higher learning.
Republican scientific and pedagogical round table "CREATIVE YOUNG PEOPLE - THE WAY TO INTELLIGENT POWER and the 4K model - CREATIVITY, CRITICAL THINKING, INTERPERSONAL skills, ABILITY to WORK IN a TEAM»
June 12, 2019 at South Kazakhstan state University.M. Auezov held scientific-pedagogical round table "CREATIVE YOUNG people - the WAY TO INTELLECTUAL POWER and the model of "4K - CREATIVITY, CRITICAL THINKING, INTERPERSONAL skills, ABILITY to WORK IN TEAM" with the participation of scientists-teachers of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan state University im.M. Auezova, OF "Fund for support and development of international pedagogical creativity and science", a branch of JSC " NCPC "Orleans" IPPC of Turkestan region, Department of education of Shymkent, which is held for methodologists and managers of scientific-methodical associations of secondary and vocational, as well as specialized education.
Purpose: Republican scientific and pedagogical round table, discussion and qualitative approach in implementation and promotion " approaches to the emphasis of education, science and education, which are shifting towards the model "4K: the development of creativity, critical thinking, communication skills and the ability to work in a team." Stimulating the development of the trajectory of man and youth in General: education, work, family. Solving the problems of socio-cultural adaptation of young people, the development of competitiveness of young people – the way to the intellectual power.
The work of the scientific and pedagogical round table included the Youth movement of the party "Nur Otan" - Zhas Otan, the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, the Regional investment center "Ontustik" akimat of Shymkent, higher schools of Kazakhstan, the Department of education of Shymkent akimats of Shymkent and Turkestan region, Nazarbayev intellectual schools of Shymkent, OF "Fund for support and development of international pedagogical creativity and science", representatives of the Council of young scientists of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public figures.
Thematic presentations were held, exhibitions of scientific achievements of young people of the region were presented at the section works.
30 may 2019 at 15.00 p.m. in the main building of the South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov, T., hall, meeting, named after academician S. T. Suleimenov held a meeting with the chief Consul of the Republic of Uzbekistan by Fatkhullaeva Abram Jahangirova in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "Mangilik Eldin Mangilik Dostyk tiregi". The meeting was organized by the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan"of SKSU named Mauatua.
Currently, thanks to the cooperation and interaction of the two countries, more than 2,300 students from the Republic of Uzbekistan have arrived at our University, who contribute to the development of education and science of the country. An agreement was signed on the opening of a branch of the Tashkent state University at the University, the opening of branches at the Tashkent state University of SKSU. Overall, our University is turning students from the countries of Central Asia and the Turkic-speaking countries.
The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Association of Uzbeks of Kazakhstan "Dustlik" Khashimzhanov Ikram Akramovich, the event was attended by employees of the Department of educational work and youth policy of SKSU.Auezov, special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan", University students, students from the Republic of Uzbekistan
On April 30, 2019 at 10:00 am, the main building of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov in the meeting room of Academician S.T. The round table was organized by a special department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov
The purpose of the round table is May 1, the day of unity and friendship of the peoples living in our country. “Where there is unity, there is life,” says our people.
The official day of the holiday is May 1st. This bright spring festival is held in every city of Kazakhstan, where parades and processions take place along the main streets of cities, as well as numerous entertainment events. Of great importance is the fact that various cultural centers participate in the celebration in order to acquaint the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions of other nations. Fun dances, sports competitions - all this makes the event one of the brightest and favorite holidays for the people of Kazakhstan.
In the round table attended. Director of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy, M. Auezov SKSU S.A. Mazhinbekov, employees of the special department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", faculty of the university and students of the faculty.
Meeting with representatives of ethnic and cultural associations of Shymkent «Yntymak» and Kyrgyz ethnic and cultural associations of Turkestan on «Kazakhstan-the territory of unity and harmony»
On April 18, 2019 at 15.00 in the conference hall of the main building of the Auezov SKSU there was a meeting with representatives of ethno-cultural associations of Shymkent city "Yntymak" and Turkestan regional Kyrgyz ethno-cultural Association on the theme "Kazakhstan – the territory of unity and harmony", organized by a special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan".
The purpose of the meeting: Kazakhstan is a multinational state. It is home to Kazakhs, Russians, Uighurs, Uzbeks, Koreans, Ukrainians, Dungan and other nationalities. During the meeting, issues related to the implementation of the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol – the way to the future", as well as the implementation of the President's instructions voiced in the Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future", as well as the implementation of the President's instructions voiced in the Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future"were discussed.
The meeting was attended by the Chairman of Shymkent city ethno-cultural Association "Yntymak" . Gauhar Alihanovna, Turkestan regional Chairman of the Kyrgyz ethno-cultural Association Rysbekov Ablay serikbayevich, Chairman of the youth wing of "Yntymak", Shymkent Zhaksylyk Galia, Deputy Chairman of the Shymkent ethnocultural Association" Yntymak "Sadykov, Ganguli the Ernstovna, a special team of the Department" Assembly of people of Kazakhstan," the faculty and students of the faculty.
"ESSENCE AND VALUES OF THE CIVILIZATION OF THE GREAT STEPPE"On February 21, 2019, the Research Department of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, jointly with the special department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The essence and values of the great steppe civilization."
The main idea is the continuation of work on the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness" dated April 12, 2017, as well as promoting and implementing the article of N.Nazarbayev dated November 20, 2018 "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe".
The conference was attended by state and public figures, international and domestic scientists of universities, republican research institutes and research centers, public foundations, young scientists, regional education administrations. The conference received about 100 articles. At the plenary and breakout sessions 67 reports were heard and discussed. Conference materials published in the first issue of the journal "Kazakhstan".Round table on the topic "Mediation in Kazakhstan - the continuation of the powers of the biys"
February 12, 2019 at 11:00 in the conference hall of South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov held a round table on the topic “Mediation in Kazakhstan - the continuation of the powers of the biys”. The round table was organized by the special department "Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan" of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov.
The purpose of the round table is to provide a complete and comprehensive description of the experience of mediators, the plan for the development of mediation in Kazakhstan.
The round table was attended by a representative of the Republican public association "Center for the development of mediation" of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent Akshegirova Laura Muratovna, a professional international mediator Seydazova Gulizat Shukurovna, a professional mediator of the Republican public association "Center for development of mediation", lawyer Baitasov Danabek Tillabakovich lawyer mediator Republican Republican. Center for the development of mediation "of the city of Shymkent Kozhakhmetova Gulzhan Bektaykizy, representative Aviators of mass media, faculty of the university and students of the faculty.
Clarification work
From 7 to 8 February 2019, the specialists of the special department “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan” conducted explanatory work for students living in student dormitories for the subject-scientific and educational project “Kazakhtan” to strengthen the unity of the people based on the general cultural and historical consciousness of Kazakhstanis, based on "Looking to the future: the modernization of public consciousness".
The main goal is to strengthen the unity of the people on the basis of a single cultural code, common values and the national historical consciousness of all Kazakhstani people in the framework of the Modernization of Public Consciousness program. Also priority is given to the popularization of history, traditions, humanitarian and moral principles among ethnic groups.
Round table « December peaks - the highest peaks of the spirit of the nation».
On December, 2017 a raund teble on the of «Severe December-a high level of national spirit» was held in the conference hall of the main building of M. Auezov SKSU. The round table was organized by the special chair «Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan» of the Deparment of Educational work and Youth Policy.
The aim of the round table is to form students whole pictule about the December events. The December events of 1986y. in Alma-Ata were signs of coming indeprn- dtnce and advent of freedom. The December events (1986 year), their victims and participants are memorable and unforgettable. While life settles down and both internal and external positions of Kazakhstan society strengthen, the perception of the significance of the December events becomes more profound and their heroes will be given worthy glory.
Online international scientific - practical conference on the theme: «Modernization of public consciousness and the preservation of the national code in the context of « Mangilik El»
12 December 2018goda, 11.00 at the Eurasian national University. L. N. Gumilev, Department of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of the Eurasian national University AND national Association of ANK was Conducted online the international scientific - practical conference on the theme: "Modernization of public consciousness and the preservation of the national code in the context of "MLK ate." Employees of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov took part in the online mode.
The event «We are one people» dedicated to the year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan.
December 8, 2018 in the building of the "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Shymkent held a solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Association of Uzbeks of Kazakhstan " Dustlik "and together with the special Department" Assembly of people of Kazakhstan " of South Kazakhstan state University.Auezov held an event "We are one people", dedicated to the year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan.
The Chairman of the Association of Kazakhstan's Uzbeks "Dustlik"-Kasimjanov Ikram Akramovich according to the decree of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan was awarded the medal "Dustlik" rector South Kazakhstan state University. M. Auezov, employees of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan", Chairman of a number of ethno-cultural associations, heads of departments.
«Independent Kazakhstan is an eternal country» Festive evening dedicated to the 27 th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence
On December 8, 2018 at 10:00 am in order to strengthen friendship and mutual cooperation between ethno-cultural associations of the city in the framework of the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Focus on the future: modernization of public consciousness" in the Palace of schoolchildren held a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Auezov, special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" which was attended by the Museum of friendship of peoples, The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and Slavic national-cultural Association held a festive event "Independent Kazakhstan-eternal country" dedicated to the 27th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by the chairmen of 16 cultural centers of the city.
Charitable action
December 7, 2018 at the boarding school №4 in Shymkent, the teaching staff and students of the faculty of "Law and international relations" SKSU.Auezov, a special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" held a charity event. At the regular 26th session of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in order to implement the charity project of the President of the country was organized the action "Zhetim korsen zhebey Zhur". As part of the campaign, the management and staff of the boarding school and children who lost their breadwinner expressed their gratitude for the event.
«Explanatory work among students of the hostel on» national peace, unity and identity»
In the period from 6 to 7 December 2018, specialists of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" conducted familiarization work with the internal regulations of the hostel, as well as explanatory work on "national, peace, unity, identity" students living in hostels №1, №3, №4, №5,№6.
Explanatory and propaganda work within the article «Seven facets of the great steppe»
On November 22-23, 2018, specialists of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" of South Kazakhstan state University named after Auezov held a meeting with students of the faculties "Law and international relations", "Physical culture and sport" and the higher school "Information technologies and energy" and "Agricultural Sciences". Explanatory and propaganda work was carried out in the framework of the article "Seven faces of the great steppe".
Forum of experts and scientists «multi-Ethnic society and modern state: development strategies»
On November 19, 2018 in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the Nation in Astana was held a forum of experts and scientists "multi-Ethnic society and modern state: development strategies". In the forum took part head of the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Asanaliev Askhat Ergalievich. He was awarded a diploma as a nominee of the final stage of the Republican competition of scientific projects dedicated to the all-Kazakhstan model of social harmony and national unity.Ә.Nazarbayev signed By the President of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan - Head of the Secretariat L. Prokopenko.
«Bolashaka Bakhdar: Ruhani Zangyru»
On November 9, 2018, in the building № 3 in the 122nd auditorium of the Faculty of «Construction and Transport», together with the Department of «Life Safety and Environmental Protection», information and propaganda work was conducted by freshmen in the article «Bolashaka bakhdar: ruhani zangyru».
« 100 real steps» - the plan of the nation - the main direction of the creation of « Mangilik El»
On November 8, 2018, in building number 3, 417 auditorium, a meeting was held on the topic «100 real steps» - a national plan - the main direction of the creation of «Mangilik Yel» for first-year students of the faculty «Construction and Transport».
On November, 7, 2018 at 10.00 o'clock in the main corps of ЮКГУ the name of М.Ауэзова, in an audience №342 took place round table on a theme "National unity as important factor of including of Kazakhstan in the number of the most competitive countries of the world", organized by the special department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" ЮКГУ the name of М.Ауэзова.
Aim round table - to provide national safety, internal political stability and unity of society. It was told the participants of measure about the role of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, role of этнокультурных associations in consolidation of society, education of the young generation in a spirit patriotism, forming of tolerance, culture of international relations, use of official language and development of languages of other people resident in
25 Oct 2018. in the city of Taraz of Zhambyl region, in the House of Friendship was held the international scientific-practical conference "Dialogue of cultures in the context of Kazahstana-Uzbekistan relationship." Organizers of the event: Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Zhambyl region, scientific and expert group, municipal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim" of akim of Zhambyl region.
The purpose of the conference: promotion of cultural and civilizational rapprochement of the peoples of the Central Asian region through the study and propaganda of cultural heritage of the older generations, analysis of problems and ways of development of dialogue of cultures as a decisive factor for the improvement of relations between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The conference aims to make a worthy contribution to the rapprochement of peoples on the basis of spiritual community and the simplification of centuries-old friendship.
"Changes - opens the way to opportunities"
From 23 to 25 October 2018, a meeting was held with foreign students on the topic “Changes - opens the way to opportunities”, organized by the Center for Psychological Support for Students among Universities and Faculties of the SKSU. M. Auezov. Specialists of the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" Amirkhan E.A., Turegeldiyeva E.M., Baymakhanov N.B. made a report on the establishment and activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
October 8, 2018 at 15.30 hours of the main building of SKSU them. M. Auezov in the audience 342 held a round table dedicated to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayeva “GROWTH OF WELFARE OF KAZAKHSTAN: IMPROVING INCOME AND QUALITY”. The round table was organized by a special department "Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan" SKSU. M. Auezov.
Discussion of the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge, 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh Language".
In the article of the presidential program "Orientation for the future: spiritual revival", published just a year ago, the ways of promoting national values and mastering the best world practices were highlighted. Numerous projects in this field began to yield results. The book was published in the framework of the project "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language". Numerous projects in this field began to yield results. The book was published in the framework of the project "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language". Despite difficult times in the first years of independence, we were able to send talented young people to the leading universities around the world and create conditions for their good education. At the moment, when our country is strengthening and our independence is being strengthened, such educational institutions and a way of comprehensive development of the national education are opening in the country. The continuation of these good deeds is carried out by the project "100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language". Our youth has the opportunity to teach these books in Kazakh.
Assistance to the book "The Age of Independence" of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA. Nazarbayev "The New Quality of Human Capital"
April 23, 2018 in the scientific and methodological center "Head of State" of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov a round table was held on the theme: "Contributing to the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev" The Age of Independence "New Quality of Human Capital". The round table was organized by the special department "Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan" of the department for "Educational work and youth policy" and the center of "Information Education" SKSU. M. Auezov.
The purpose of the round table is the book entitled "The era of independence" of President Nursultan Nazarbayev is a unique work that shows which country should be followed in the future. This is not just a book, it is a vision of the past and future of Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev. A detailed analysis of the events that occurred in those years. These are not just facts, it is a discussion, a deep vision and a predictable future for our president. The meaning of the book is clear to all. This is because this part is born from the person who created the history of our state. That is why the book is a document of the entire period, which does not lose its necessity. The President stressed that the process of building a young state is accompanied by a global trend. This is one of the main features of the book "The Age of Independence".
Videoconference "Five Social Initiatives of the President and Modernization of Public Consciousness"
April 13, 2018 in the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev held a joint meeting of the deputies of the Majilis and the Republican Association of Chambers of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, elected on behalf of the National Assembly of Kazakhstan. At the meeting the addresses of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Five social initiatives of the President and modernization of public consciousness" were discussed.
In the online mode, a special department of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov took part."United nation - the basis of which is indivisible"
April 11, 2018 in the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov the forum "United nation - indivisible shanyrak" was held. The forum was organized by the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the South-Kazakhstan region. Organized by the special department of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan of South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov.
The purpose of the forum: Respect for representatives of other nationalities, respect for the language, traditions and customs of other peoples, a positive assessment of the spiritual life and culture of other peoples, as well as good relations with them, and the modernization of the culture of interethnic relations.
The forum was opened by the pro-rector on social-educational work of S.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University S.B. Baysenbayev.
"Spiritual heritage of the Great Steppe: history, modernity".
March 15, 2018 in South Kazakhstan State University held a national scientific and practical conference on "The spiritual heritage of the Great Steppe: history, modernity."
The Republican Scientific and Practical Conference was organized by the special department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" by the Department for Educational and Youth Policy of the SKSU named after M.Auezov.
The main goal of the conference is to clarify and promote the main priorities of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in a New Global Reality: Growth, Reforms, Development", Kazakhstan Development Strategy until 2050, Patriotic Act "Mangilik El", Ideas of the General Labor Society, support in public consciousness of state policy of the country; ensuring the unity of the nation and strengthening Kazakhstan's patriotism with the involvement of the scientific community. To propagandize the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" of January 10, 2018 and the article of the Head of State "A Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness".
"March 1 is a Day of Gratitude in Kazakhstan"
On February 28, 2018, at 11.00 in the assembly hall of the South-Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, a solemn event dedicated to the 1-March - Day of Gratitude took place. The solemn event was organized by the special department "Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan" of the department for educational work and youth policy of the SKSU named after them. M. Auezov.
The purpose of the event is to encourage young people to be responsive and generous people, to strive for reconciliation, for the bright values of peace and friendship.
Day of gratitude - the initiative of the establishment of this Day was made by the President of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev. In his speech at the 22nd session of the Assembly fo the People of Kazakhstan (ANC) in April 2015, as part of the celebration of its 20th anniversary, he offered to celebrate the Day of Gratitude in the Republic. And the ANC - on March 1 - is to be chosen as the date of the holiday, when "the people of the country can think each other and the Kazakhs mll be tolerance and hospitality in those years when many people were deported to the country." "This day can become a bright holiday of charity, friendship and love of all Kazakhpeople to each other," the head of state said at the time.
Day of gratitude is the day of the triumph of the presidential policy of peace and accord, thanks to which peace and harmony, mutual respect for all Kazakhpeople reign in Kazakhstan.
The event was attended by members of the regional secretariat of the Assembly, chairmen of regional ethno-cultural associations, representatives of the media, teachers and students of the university. During the event, representatives of regional ethno-cultural associations and the university received a letter of thanks from the rector. Head of the Office of the Rector of the South Kazakhstan State University M.Auezova Sabyrkhanov D.S. opened the event with an opening address, and the chief specialist of the special chair "Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan" Ablaev S.B. delivered a thematic speech to the Day of Gratitude. Also, the chairman of the regional branch of the "Republican Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan" Pak Roza Viktorovna, the chairman of the regional Turkish ethnocultural center "Akhyska" Asanov Lapitsha Kaymahanovich, the chairman of the regional Iranian ethno-cultural association Kapar-Pur Nursbek Kurbanovich made speeches. The event ended with a concert programm
On December, 2017 a raund teble on the of «Severe December-a high level of national spirit» was held in the conference hall of the main building of M. Auezov SKSU. The round table was organized by the special chair «Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan» of the Deparment of Educational work and Youth Policy.
The aim of the round table is to form students whole pictule about the December events. The December events of 1986y. in Alma-Ata were signs of coming indeprn- dtnce and advent of freedom. The December events (1986 year), their victims and participants are memorable and unforgettable. While life settles down and both internal and external positions of Kazakhstan society strengthen, the perception of the significance of the December events becomes more profound and their heroes will be given worthy glory.
Mediation in the field of education
The seminar on "Mediation in the field of education" was held. On January 31, 2018, at 11:00 in the conference hall of the South-Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, The seminar was organized by the special "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" department of the South-Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov.
The purpose of the seminar is to provide a comprehensive description of the main principles and directions of mediation in the university, the experience of mediators in the field of education, and a detailed description of the plan for the development of mediation in Kazakhstan.November 27, 2017 312 auditorium of the main building SKSU M.Auezov held a lecture on the topic "RELIGION - one of the platforms of the idea "МӘҢГІЛІК ЕЛ ". The lecture hall was held by the special department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy.
The purpose of the meeting. The purpose of the lecture is to educate young people about the prevention of religious extremism and increase religious literacy of students. The adoption of this law has made it possible to more clearly and clearly outline the content of state-confessional relations in the country, to streamline the activities of religious associations, to put a definite barrier to the use of religion for destructive purposes.
November 29, 2017 in the main building of the assembly hall SKSU named after M.Auezov held a meeting on the theme "Nazarbayev NA. - an outstanding personality of the world scale, a politician ". The meeting was held by a special department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy. The meeting was attended by Zholdasov Nurmakhan Miyazovich - First deputy chairman of the branch of the party "Nur Otan" in the South Kazakhstan region,
Khalmuradov Rosakul Satybaldievich - public figure and statesman, Honored citizen of the South Kazakhstan Region, Myrzakhmetov Shalatay Myrzahmetovich - public and statesman, Honored citizen of the South Kazakhstan region, Kadyrbaeva Fatima Kadyrbayevna - Labor veteran, honored citizen of Baidybek district, laureate of the All-Union Lenin Komsomol Prize.
The purpose of the meeting. At present, an explanation to the younger generation about the President's immense historical work on the path of creating an eternal state is a vivid example of an unshakable country. Explaining to the young generation about the new state holiday - the day of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, celebrated on December 1 in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan", signed by the head of state on December 14.
6 November 2017 in the conference hall of the main building SKSU name of M. Auezov held a meeting with ethno-cultural associations on the ways of formation of the state ethnic policy and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. The meeting was held by the Department of education and youth policy of the SKSU named after M. Auezov and a special Department of the Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the meeting. The activity of the ethnocultural associations of the region. The ethnic groups in social initiatives, strengthening identity and unity of Kazakhstan, development of patriotism, the promotion of social harmony on the basis of the spiritual and cultural unity of our people. Nowadays we are one nation, one nation, to explain to young people that we work for the same purpose.
2017 жылғы 27 қарашада М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-дің бас ғимаратының 312 аудиториясында «ДІН- «МӘҢГІЛІК ЕЛ» ИДЕЯСЫ ТҰҒЫРЛАРЫНЫҢ БІРІ» тақырыбындағы лекторий өткізілді. Кездесуді М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-нің «Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы» арнайы кафедрасы өткізді.
Кездесуді ұйымдастырылу мақсаты. Тәуелсіздік арқасында халқымыз мәңгілік мұраттарға қол жеткізді, еліміздің жүрегі Елорда тұрғызылды. Қазақтың мәңгілік ғұмыры ұрпақтың мәңгілік болашағын баянды етуге арналады. Ендігі ұрпақ Мәңгілік Қазақтың перзенті. Ендеше Қазақ Елінің ұлттық идеясы Мәңгілік ел» – деген еді. Еліміз «Мәңгілік Ел» болу үшін - Тіл бірлігі, Дін бірлігі, Ұлт бірлігі, Азаматтық бір мақсат, бір мүдде деген басты төрт факторды қамтамассыз етуіміз керек екендігін студенттерге түсіндіріп өту.
2017 жылғы 29 қарашада М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-дің бас ғимаратының Акт залында Н.Ә.Назарбаев – ӘЛЕМДІК ҰЛЫ ТҰЛҒА, САЯСАТКЕР тақырыбында кездесу өткізілді. Кездесуді М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-нің Тәрбие ісі және жастар саясаты департаменті және «Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы» арнайы кафедрасы өткізді. Кездесуге облысымыздан Жолдасов Нұрмахан Миятұлы
«Нұр Отан» партиясы ОҚО филиал төрағасының бірінші орынбасары.
Халмурадов Розақұл Сатыбалдиевич
Қоғам және мемлекет қайраткері, ОҚО құрметті азаматы.
Мырзахметов Шалатай Мырзахметұлы
Қоғам және мемлекет қайраткері, ОҚО құрметті азаматы.
Қадірбаева Фатима Қадірбайқызы – Еңбек ардагері, Бәйдібек ауданының құрметті азаматы, Бүкілодақтық «Ленин комсомолы» сыйлығының лауреаты.
Кездесуді ұйымдастырылу мақсаты. Бүгінде Қазақ елінің жаңғыруынан бастап,
Елбасының мызғымас мемлекеттің жарқын үлгісі – «Мəңгілік Ел» құрудағы өлшеусіз тарихи еңбегі жайында және 2011 жылғы 14 желтоқсанда Мемлекет басшысы «Қазақстан Республикасындағы мерекелер туралы» Қазақстан Республикасының Заңына қол қойып, 1 желтоқсанда Қазақстан Республикасының Тұңғыш Президенті күні аталып өтілетін жаңа мемлекеттік мерекеге айналуын жастарға түсіндіру.
2017 жылғы 6 қарашада М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-дің бас ғимаратының Конференц залында Мемлекеттік этносаясаттың қалыптасу жолдары және «Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы» атты этномәдени бірлестіктермен кездесу өткізілді. Кездесуді М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚМУ-нің Тәрбие ісі және жастар саясаты департаменті және «Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы» арнайы кафедрасы өткізді.
Кездесудің ұйымдастырылу мақсаты. Облысымыздағы этномәдени бірлестіктердің қызметімен, атқаратын жұмыстарымен танысу. Этностарды қоғамдық бастамаларға ұйыстыру, қазақстандық біртектілік пен бірлікті нығайту, патриотизмді дамыту, халқымыздың рухани-мәдени ортақтығы негiзiнде қоғамдық келiсiмдi қамтамасыз ету. Қазіргі таңда біз бір ел – бір халық болып, бір мақсатта жұмыс атқарып келе жатқандығымызды жастарға түсіндіру.
13 Oct 2017 11-00 in the building of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan provoditsya forum "Spiritual harmony is the Foundation of stability of the Kazakhstan society". The forum was organized by the Secretariat of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in South Kazakhstan region and special Department of "Kazakhstan people Assembly" of South Kazakhstan state University M. Auezov from the. The purpose of the organization of the forum explaining to the masses the meaning, the content and the need for spiritual consent Day. Along with this, the purpose of the forum is to strengthen interfaith, inter-ethnic spiritual harmony between the public and the political parties throught the way to the development of charity, kindness and mercy.
21 September 2017 in the conference hall of SKSU named after M. Auezov held a round table on the topic Language and history: linguistic Triunity "Mangilik YEL" is one of the factors creating The roundtable was organized by the Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" to them. M. Auezov. Today's young generation is the future of the state and future citizen. And the path to happiness begins with love for the native, the native language. In a programmatic article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by 2025, was nominated by the Latin alphabet with specific recommendations. The purpose of today's roundtable is to educate young people who love their native language less than their mothers, expanding the scope of the state language, popularitybut the status and importance of the state language, promote the Kazakh language among the representatives of other nationalities, increasing the level of knowledge, interest and interest in reading, awakening patriotic feelings.
2017 February 16 at 11:00 the conference hall of the main building M.Auezov be led round table on the them: "Actual problems of modern terrorism and religious extremism," the organizers of the department of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan."
The purpose of the round table: Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism in the modern world and the need for religious tolerance and inter-ethnic harmony are the issues of the contemporary Islamic movements interpretation Kazakhstan laws on combating terrorism and extremism, as well as information about the current religious situation in Kazakhstan.
Roundtable participants: Employees of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" SKO akim, chairpersons of regional ethno-cultural associations, The Office of the religions, of youth policy of South Kazakhstan region, veterans of the region, representatives of the media, professors and students of the faculty, university staff.
"Inter-ethnic accord is the spiritual accord and achievement of our country"
An event on the theme "Inter-ethnic accord is the spiritual accord and achievement of our country" was held on September 21, 2016 and was devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.It was organized by the Department of EW and YP and the Chair "The Assembly of Kazakhstan People".
"Honor, pride, grief-December"
2016 december 12 at 11:00 at the conference hall of the main building South kazakhsta State University fter M.Auezov was held a round table on the topic: 30 December events "Honor, pride, grief-December" jointly by the Department on educational work and youth policy of the University, the department of special "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan."
The purpose of the round table: lighting nature uprising in December, commemorating the victims of the December event. Fostering a sense of patriotism among young people. December events, which brought young people to the area, were the forerunners of our independence.
Lecture on the theme "Unity - the beginning of spiritual harmony"
2016 October 17 at 15:00 the conference hall of the main building
Auezov was conducted lectures dedicated to the "25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, October 18 -"Day of Spiritual Harmony","Unity – the beginning of spiritual harmony" co-Chair of the special "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", the secretariat of the Assembly of the South-Kazakhstan region, Department of education work and youth policy of the University. The aim of lectures explaining the spiritual values, inter-religious, inter-ethnic harmony between public associations and political parties. Lecture Hall explained the main priorities in the field of public policy and inter-religious relations.
The first December the day of the first president of Kazakhstan: National leader,
outstanding politician dedicated2016 November 23 at 11:00 the conference hall of the main building M.Auezov im.YuKGU was held a round table on the theme: «first president of Kazakhstan: National leader, outstanding politician».Together the Department of educational work and youth policy and a special chair «the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" University.
The purpose of the round table: Currently, Kazakhstan has been recognized by the international community as a democratic state. Great merit belongs to the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established to celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievements of the first President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the country. First President - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev paid great attention to the maintenance of peace and harmony in Kazakhstan society. Kazakhstan - a multinational country.
This is a unique value, and our task - to preserve and protect it.
The round table prisutvovat field of public figures, heads of departments and public institutions, and classmate of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The round table was held at the highest level.
The speakers were scientists of the University, a student of our university rector, Chairman of Public Association and the Veterans Council. -
The main tasks of the department:
- advocacy of the implementation of the policy of the Head of State and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan on issues of inter -ethnic accord , political stability and tolerance on the University scale;
- study of annual Messages of the President of Kazakhstan to People of Kazakhstan with lecturers and students;
- management of the unity of Kazakhstan people within the framework of the national patriotic idea"Mangilik El";
- preparation of proposals for improvement of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations;
- holding state and nationwide, official holidays in the university collective body;
- holding scientific-theoretical and practical conferences, seminars, panel discussions, lectures at different levels;
- conducting surveys according to the important trends of the university;
- conducting survey lectures for tutors, curators and students about world and state political events:
- holding events with regional, city and district departments of internal policy, regional government agencies, the Assembly of the region, KSU "Қoғamdyқ kelіsіm" State Board of Religious Affairs and other bodies;
- publication of papers, tutorials, books, training manuals, training programs, etc. dedicated to the socio-political life of the country;
- holding meetings, organization of lectures for subdisions of the university according to the main directions of the department
Scientific works:
- Modern fundamentals of religion ;
- History of state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Formation of Kazakh land integrity;
- Asanbai Askarov-a politician, a scientist, a writer;
- Message of the President- the core of the country development.
- The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan – the guarantee of inter-ethnic harmony of our country
- Message of the President and "Plan of the Nation - 100 concrete steps" to overcome the crisis issues
- Election of deputies of Parliament Mazhilis and Maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Formation of the principle "Zero tolerance"
- 18 , October- Day of moral accord in Kazakhstan
Holding a round table on the topic "Til zhne tariffs: Үштұғырлы тіл -" Мәңгілік Ел "құру фалаларының бірі", September 2017г.
Holding of the forum on the theme "Ruhani kelisim - Kazakhstan kosamy taryatylynyyni irtetasy", October 2017.
Holding a round table on the theme "Mogilik El", "Ideas", "Weekly", "Negative", "Birlik, Tatul", Kelisim., November 2017.
Conducting a round table on the topic "Дін-" Мәңгілік Ел "Ideasy тұғырларының бірі" On the problem of hijab among students lecture-conversation.
On the day of the first President of the meeting on the topic "Eli syigen-elin syigen Elbasy", December 2017.
December 16 - Independence Day, holding a round table on the topic "Zheltosan szary - Ұlt ryhynyң biik belesi", December 2017.
Holding seminars-lectures among the faculties on the theme "Mogilik El", "Letty" idea of the syringe, December 2017.
Conducting a scientific and practical conference on the topic "Eli dalany ruhani mrazy: өtken mi meni", February 2018.
"Thanks giving" of the event under a single shanyrak, March 2017.
The main factors of strengthening unity and national identity among students, March 2018.