6B01210 Pedagogy of preschool education and training



Name of the EP

6В01210 Pedagogicas of preschool education and training

Code and Classification of Education

6В01 Pedagogical sciences

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6В012  Training for pre-school teachers

Group of educational programs (EP)

В002 Pre-school education and upbringing

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


training of highly qualified bachelors of law with professional competencies capable of carrying out law enforcement and law enforcement and human rights activities

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Education

Field of professional activity

Bachelor in the educational program 6B01210 Preschool education and upbringing carries out his professional activities in the field of education.

Learning out comes

LO1 to form integrated listening skills, speech, linguistic abilities of preschool children through the possession of professional terminology and academic writing, using the methodology of teaching native and foreign languages in kindergarten.

LO2 to demonstrate mathematical and digital literacy in the process of applying ICT in professional activities.

LO3 Organizes the stay of children in a preschool organization, develops and conducts games and organized activities with children, monitors their safety and health;

LO4 to take into account typical and atypical patterns of development of preschool children in professional activities, observe pedagogical ethics.

LO5 to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of natural science, have an ecological culture and the ability to form natural history knowledge and values in children;

LO6 to introduce the basics of general and physical culture, healthy lifestyle into the practice of organizing preschool education, develop the aesthetic and physical qualities of preschoolers, guided by the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

LO7 to assess, plan the educational process in organizations of preschool education, using the tools of pedagogical research.

LO8 to analyze and synthesize pedagogical reality through critical thinking and reflection, the ability to work in a team, and have leadership qualities.

LO9 to carry out the pedagogical process, design new models and strategies of the educational process and can develop a scientific and methodological product.

LO10 Can organize the educational process, including work with parents (guardians), using interdisciplinary communication and innovative technologies in preschool institutions.

LO11 to provide pedagogical support to persons with special educational needs (oralman children, non-residents of Kazakhstan, children of small ethnic groups, gifted children, children with disabilities).

LO12 to apply, implement a unified system of universal and national values.

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