6B07261 Innovative textiles, design and decor



Name of the EP

6B07261 Innovative textiles, design and decor

Code and Classification of Education

6B07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B072 Manufacturing and processing

Group of educational programs (EP)

В070 Textiles: clothing, footwear and leather goods

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Preparation of highly qualified bachelors with the necessary professional and personal competencies, a competitive level of knowledge, skills and professional skills in the field of design, decoration of textile materials and products.

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

Field of professional activity

The field of professional activity is the textile industry (in the field of design and production of textile products; in the field of research; in the field of standardization, certification and quality management, technical expertise).

Learning out comes

LО1 Communicate freely in the professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, taking in to account the principles of academic writing and the culture of academic honesty.

LО2 Demonstrate socio-cultural, professional development based on the formation of ideological, civic, spiritual and social – economic responsibility, methods of scientific and experimental research.

LO3 Have information, computer and digital literacy, generalization, analysis and perception of information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve it.

LO4 Develop textile fabric compositions, define criteria and indicators of artistic and design proposals when working with materials and products

LO5 Offer design solutions for the design of textile materials and products, and provide their economic justification taking in to account materials, construction, technology, engineering systems.

LO6 Analyze, evaluate physical and mechanical, hygienic consumer properties, causes of defects and defects of textile materials and products, using modern testing devices and equipment.

LO7 Demonstrate spatial imagination, artistic taste, mastery of methods of modeling and coloring of textile materials.

LO8. Apply modern innovative technologies and methods of processing competitive textile materials and products.

LO9 Conduct engineering monitoring of technological lines for the production of high-quality materials and products.

LO10 Study scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience, participate in research to improve technological processes and equipment, apply the results in practice.

LO11 Use research, entrepreneurial skills in professional activities.

LO12. Demonstrate the ability to self-education and self-education, healthy lifestyle throughout life, work individually and in a team.

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