6B07245 Technologies of meat and meat products



Name of the EP

6B07245 Technologies of meat and meat  products

Code and Classification of Education

6B07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6В072 Manufacturing and processing

Group of educational programs (EP)

В068 Food production

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian, English

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of technology and organization of a meat production enterprise, to generate new competencies, to train a leader who translates research and entrepreneurial thinking and culture.

Name of the degree awarded

Engineering and Technology bachelor

Field of professional activity

-meat industry;


Learning out comes

Applies in life and professional activity skills based on modern achievements of the humanities, natural sciences and technical sciences.

LO2 Demonstrates the ability of oral and written communication in Kazakh, Russian and English in the field of his professional activity.

LO3 Demonstrates the ability to social and professional mobility in the modern world, critical thinking and physical self-improvement, self-education, academic honesty and decency, owns the methods of scientific and experimental research.

LO4 Applies modern information and computer technologies in professional activity.

LO5 Applies in practice the principles of the organization of technological processes of enterprises for the production of meat and meat products.

LO6 Operates various technological equipment of enterprises for the production of meat and meat products.

LO7 Applies modern and innovative technologies in professional activities for the production and improvement of the quality of meat products.

LO8 Improves technological processes of production and storage of meat raw materials, semi-finished products and meat products.

LO9 Carries out quality control of raw materials and safety of meat products.

LO10 Demonstrates skills in the field of production and economic activity of meat and meat production enterprises.

LO11 Organizes work in the field of technical regulation, measurement, standardization, certification, metrology and management of production and economic activities of the meat industry enterprise.

LO12 Demonstrates the skills of planning and designing meat industry enterprises, conducting scientific research in the field of meat and meat products production.

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