6B11210 Life safety and environmental protection



Name of the EP

6B11210 - Life safety and environmental protection

Code and Classification of Education

6B11- Services

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6В112- Occupational health and safety

Group of educational programs (EP)

В094- Sanitary preventive measures

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian, English  

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP

Preparation of a leader who translates research thinking in the field of life safety and environmental protection, able to ensure fire, environmental, chemical and radiation safety

Name of the degree awarded

After the successful completion of this EP, the graduate is awarded the degree: "Bachelor" in the field of services in the educational program 6B11210 - "Life Safety and Environmental Protection"

Field of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity of graduates will be all sectors of the economy, including the military-industrial complex, industry, agriculture and utilities, production and consumption, government agencies in the field of life safety, environmental protection, protection in emergency situations, environmental services.

Learning outcomes

LO 1 Develop multilingual and multicultural communications to solve problems of interpersonal and professional interaction, demonstrating mastery of the culture of written and oral speech and academic integrity;

LO 2 Keep a healthy lifestyle, demonstrate leadership qualities based on the ideas of citizenship and patriotism, modernization of public consciousness - Ruhani Zhangyru, the third modernization of Kazakhstan;

LO 3 Reasonably to apply natural-science, mathematical, socio-economic and engineering knowledge in professional activities, as well as methods of scientific research and mathematical data processing;

LO 4 Make the competent decisions in non-standard professional situations based on the critical analysis in the field of life safety, hygiene and labor protection at production, environmental protection in emergency situations;

LO 5 Develop environmental and technical documentation of enterprises and the necessary activities for the organization and training in the field of civil defense;

LO 6 Organize and conduct the search of injured in the rubble, destroyed buildings and structures in the conditions of natural and technogenic emergencies and formations of civil defense forces at carrying out of liquidation tasks;

LO 7 Develop activities aimed at identifying and assessing the radioactive, chemical and biological situation in areas of emergency situations;

LO 8 Develop measures to minimize and eliminate the impact of negative production factors on the health of employees in the performance of their duties.

LO 9 Ability to work as a team in providing of first aid by demonstrating self-education and self-education skills.

RO 10 Take a set of measures aimed at assessing of the territory of industrial enterprises, industrial buildings and premises, identifying the compliance of sanitary devices (ventilation, heating, lighting), sanitary facilities, personal protective equipment with the SES standards.

LO 11 Ability to analyze and discuss the results of independent experimental and theoretical studies in the development of methods for calculating the risks of industrial injuries and the development of occupational diseases in industrial enterprises.

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