6B07088(2) Digital technologies in the production of metals and composite materials



Name of the EP

6В07088(2) - «Digital technologies in the production of metals and composite materials»

Code and Classification of Education

6B07 - Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil engineering

Group of educational programs (EP)

В061 Materials Science and Technology

Language learning

Russian, Kazakh

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Training of specialists meeting market requirements in the field of metallurgy and composite materials, possessing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and technologies for digitalization of processes that allow them to perform technological, design, research, management, entrepreneurial activities at enterprises.

Name of the degree awarded

«Bachelor of  Еngineering and Technologies»

Field of professional activity

Non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, composite materials, science

Learning out comes

LO2   Demonstrate natural science, mathematical, social, socio-economic, cultural and engineering knowledge; methods of mathematical data processing, theoretical and experimental research and elements of economic analysis in the production of metals and composite materials.

LO3  To obtain metals and composite materials by applying fundamental physical and chemical laws of metallurgical processes, with the rational use of raw materials, energy and other types of resources.

LO4  To carry out research activities in the field of technology for the production of metals and composite materials using modern research methods and information and communication technologies, interpreting the results obtained and formulating conclusions.

LO5  Manage the processes of metallurgical processing using digital technologies, observing the sequence of technological operations, parameters, modes in production, demonstrating the skills of their operation in compliance with safety regulations.

LO6  To compile material and thermal balances of technological processes for the production of metals and composite materials based on a system analysis of technological processes.

LO7  To develop complex, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, safe technologies, choosing promising methods for obtaining metals, composite materials.

LO8  Design metallurgical production taking into account the design features of technological, thermal power equipment and the principles of building space-planning solutions.

LO9  To increase the efficiency of technological processes using digital control and monitoring systems of thermal automation based on the coordination of operational information.

LO10   Choose technological modes, parameters, equipment for the production of composite materials, performing engineering, design calculations, using digital technology methods and computer specialized programs.

LO11  To work effectively individually and as a team member, demonstrating their own worldview, civic and moral positions, correctly defend their point of view, showing the ability to practical thinking, physical self-improvement and improving skills throughout life.

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