Scientific projects and programs

The parade of science stars continues!

At the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University within the framework of the project AР19679821 “Development of a methodology for recognizing media manipulation and promoting media literacy in the information space of Kazakhstan” the international scientific seminar is being held
Format: round table offline and online on the zoom platform (
Venue: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan ave., 5, main building, room. 342
Date and time: November 03, 2023, 10.00 (Astana time)
Goal: to discuss with stakeholders current issues of studying media manipulation and promoting media literacy in Kazakhstan and beyond.
Participants: scientists, teaching staff, administration and teachers of schools in Shymkent, students, representatives of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, the National Academy of Education named after. Y. Altynsarin, JSC National Center for Research and Evaluation in Education “Taldau” named after A. Baitursynov, universities of the country, foreign countries (China, Germany) and near abroad (Russia, Uzbekistan).
Working languages of the seminar: Kazakh, Russian, English.
We invite those who wish to take part!
The parade of science stars continues!

The parade of science stars continues!

Projects and Programs
PhD, associate Professor Zhakipbayev Bibol Ermuratovich
According to the results of the competition for grant funding of scientific research of young scientists "Zhas galym" for 2023-2025, PhD, associate Professor Zhakipbayev Bibol Ermuratovich won a grant for the project AP19177448 "Innovative complex processing of mineral amorphous-silica raw materials with the production of wall insulation material from it". The project will be carried out according to the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures". The project will develop a waste-free technology for the complex processing of amorphous silica raw materials as a basis for the synthesis of wall insulation material.
The winner of the grant "Zhas galym" PhD doctor Asylkhankyzy Aigerim
So we continue! PhD doctor Asylkhankyzy Aigerim won the grant "Zhas galym" under the project Research of methods for processing potash ores from Zhilyan and Chelkar deposits into potassium-magnesium fertilizers. The young scientist will develop methods for obtaining potassium-magnesium mineral fertilizers from potash ores of the Zhilyansky and Chelkar deposits of Kazakhstan.The new methods proposed in the project for obtaining complex potassium-magnesium fertilizers will allow us to develop a flexible waste-free technological scheme of production, improve the quality of the product, expand the range of raw materials for obtaining new mineral fertilizers by involving potash deposits in processing. And this project will be carried out in 2023-2025 according to the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures". Aigerim Asylkhankyzy recently received a PhD degree. And this is the first scientific project of Aigerim. We wish success to the winner of the grant "Zhas galym" Asylkhankyzy Aygerim!
Department of Scientific
Projects and Programs
The winner of the grant "Zhas galym" Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor Kocherov Yerkebulan Nurgalievich
We continue to congratulate the holders of the grant "Zhas galym"! The decision of the National Scientific Council on the priority "Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures" was announced today. By the decision of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kocherov Yerkebulan Nurgalievich won the grant. The topic of the AP19175875 project is " Obtaining multi-purpose heat-insulating products based on natural raw materials and man-made waste". The project will be implemented in 2023-2025. Young scientist E.N. Kocherov will create the basis for the production of multipurpose thermal insulation products based on clay raw materials and man-made waste and develop a scientifically based way to improve the thermal insulation properties of porous fillers.This is the first project of the young scientist Yerkebulan Nurgalievich Kocherov. We sincerely congratulate the young scientist and wish him a bright path!
Department of Scientific
Projects and Programs
The aim of the project is developing a technology for obtaining new composite depressant reagents for the transportation of paraffinic oil based on by-products of processing cotton stocks, polyolefins and aliphatic alcohols.
Supervisor: Issayev Ye.B., PhD, Associate Professor.
The aim of the project is to develop a technology for obtaining new types of organic fertilizers based on the utilization of phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing waste to increase the yield of vegetable crops in the Turkestan region.
Scientific novelty: For the first time, biological fertilizers will be created based on phosphorus-containing and carbon-containing wastes with the addition of various groups of microorganisms to increase the yield of vegetable crops.
Practical significance: The introduction of the developed biofertilizers on the vegetable lands of the south of Kazakhstan with a predictable positive result will serve as the basis for replicating the technology throughout Kazakhstan, which is of great national importance. The research results are of fundamental and applied importance, because. fertilizers on a bacterial and algological basis will be developed; at the same time, on the basis of screening studies, strains of algae will be identified that increase the yield and stress resistance of vegetable plants; the possibilities of wastewater disposal are considered, the agrotechnology of depleted soils under vegetable crops with the use of obtained biofertilizers is developed. On an international scale, the implementation of the proposed program will reduce the environmental pressure on the pollution of trans boundary territories by refusing to use chemical reagents in the form of fertilizers or pesticides. The industrial interest of enterprises in the south of Kazakhstan is justified by the presence of various unclaimed production wastes such as phosphorus-containing wastewater and slag, which can serve as cheap raw materials for the industrial cultivation of algae, which, on the other hand, will satisfy social demand in the form of reducing environmental tension in the region and creating additional jobs. These wastes occupy about 16 hectares of land in the territory of Shymkent, which, at present, are a source of pollution of the surrounding agricultural landscapes and the city itself. Their disposal will contribute to the socio-psychological relaxation of the population of the adjacent microdistricts.
A group of young scientists from M.Auezov University of South Kazakhstan went on a research trip to India, to Mahatma Gandhi University, located in Kottayam.
A young scientist, the holder of the grant "Zhas Galym", doctoral student Esenbek Asylbek Sagyntayuly will investigate the adsorption capacity of the activated sorbent after purification of residual chlorine in flushing water, the degree of absorption from the initial composition and the effect of the water flow rate on the absorption of residual chlorine when flushing water with activated sorbent under the project "Development of technology for the production of activated sorbent based on fructoconservative waste production".
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Supervisor: PhD, senior lecturer Aimenova Zh.E.
Purpose of the Project: to preserve biodiversity and study biologically active compounds of the endemic medicinal plant of the Western Tien Shan Eranthis longistipitata.
Scientific novelty: within the framework of this Project, for the first time will be performed experiments on microclonal and seed propagation of Eranthis longistipitata, various biochemical properties of this plant will be investigated, which characterize it as a valuable medicinal plant raw material.
Practical significance: nowadays there is no generalizing comprehensive assessment of the number of species, growing conditions, phytochemical properties of Eranthis longistipitata. This makes it necessary to carry out comprehensive studies that ensure the creation and implementation of mechanisms for their sustainable existence and restoration. The target consumers of the proposed project will be pharmaceutical enterprises aimed at using economically valuable and rare types of medicinal plants. The consumers of the results obtained will also be commercial enterprises that sell medicinal raw materials to pharmaceutical enterprises and research and production organizations.
Supervisor: Kedelbaev B.Sh., Doctor of Technical Sciences, proffessor.
The aim of the project is to solve the problems of efficient and rational use of near-village pastures through monitoring, geobotanical research and determining the optimal composition of the herbage of desert plants, increasing productivity by treating seeds with biostimulants. The enrichment of the biodiversity of the herbage will lead to the conservation and increase in the number of farm animals, which will be an impetus for positive socio-economic and environmental effects. The scientific significance of the results of the planned scientific research is determined by the insufficient development of the regulatory and legal foundations of the socio-economic and environmental indicators of the favorable living of the near-village population in the desert zone of the Turkestan region.
Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time for the rational use of rural pastures, the optimal composition of the herbage of desert plants will be determined, seeds will be treated with biostimulants and cultural pastures will be created for the full provision of animal feed.The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that for the first time a comprehensive assessment of the economic and environmental aspects of the use of rural pasture lands by rural communities will be given.
Practical significance: It is known that the deserts of the south of Kazakhstan are characterized by sharp continentality. The habitat conditions for plants are very harsh. Insufficient atmospheric humidification, high air temperatures in summer, frequent high-speed winds lead to the fact that it is very problematic to obtain high and stable yields of pasture plants in these conditions. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the excessive load on pastures, the lack of measures taken to improve forage lands from year to year have led to the deterioration of pasture grass. It should be pointed out that over the past few years, no funds have been invested in maintaining and improving the land.

Supervisor: Postdoctoral fellow Yerkebulan Raiymbekov
The idea of the project is aimed at a comprehensive study of the process of enrichment of domestic low-grade phosphate raw materials by phosphorus (V) oxide using organic acids. It is expected that as a result of the project, an effective method will be proposed for the production of enriched concentrates in the content of phosphorus (V) oxide, suitable for the production of phosphorus-containing products.
We are the head of the grant blocker" Zhas Galym " Raiymbekova Yerkebulan Batyrbekovich!

For these reasons, most of the phosphorus fines have been stored in the dumps of mining enterprises for more than forty years, and the problem of expanding the volume of efficient processing of phosphorus fines into mineral fertilizers is an important scientific, technical, economic and environmental task. In short, the essence of the main idea of the project is to develop a technology that allows increasing the content of the lemon-soluble form of P2O5 in the activated phosphorus fines, achieved not only by increasing the degree of dispersion and increasing the specific surface area of the resulting product and, accordingly, by increasing the number and area of contacting areas between the particles of activated components of the nitrogen-phosphorus product, but also to a large extent by due to the accumulation of various kinds of microstructural defects on their surface and in their volume, resulting in an increase in the reactivity and solubility of phosphate, and to solid-phase interaction with the nitrogen-containing component.
3(NH4)2SO4 + Ca3(PO4)2 → 2(NH4)3PO4 + 3CaSO4
Practical significance: The result of the study is supposed to identify the dominant types of perception of language policy at the local level of different population groups, depending on age, level of education, ethnicity, type of settlement. Expected scientific and socio-economic effect: to determine the main approaches and strategic plans of local authorities, educational institutions and public organizations in the implementation of language policy in conditions of different socio-demographic characteristics of different districts of the region and megacities of the Republic.
Supervisor: Shevko V.M.Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
The aim of the project: Creation of a fundamentally new an electrothermal resource-saving slag-free phosphorites processing technology with a high degree of integrated use of raw materials, through simultaneous (joint) production of gaseous phosphorus, calcium carbide and silicon-containing ferroalloy in an electric furnace.
Scientific novelty: is to obtain new theoretical patterns of joint interaction of phosphorites, tricalcium phosphate, silicon oxides, calcium with carbon in the presence of iron, with the production of phosphorus, ferroalloy and calcium carbide.
Practical significance: The experimental and applied results obtained during the implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to the technology of electrothermal processing of phosphorites and can be used both for the processing of Kazakhstani phosphorites and for phosphorites of foreign deposits, as well as for various phosphorus-containing natural and technogenic raw materials (for example, slag dumps of phosphorus enterprises), thereby contributing to an increase in raw materials for the production of phosphorus, ferroalloys and calcium carbide. The technology will increase the degree of integrated use of raw materials by 2 times. The proposed technology eliminates the formation of dump slag, thereby reducing the impact of production on the environment and improving the environmental situation in industrial regions. The technology can be implemented on standard equipment of the phosphorus sub-sector. The payback period of the proposed production is no more than 3-4 years.
Project objective: Development and creation of a resource- and energy-saving technology in the production of pigments from calcined carbon-containing chromite pellets, and the application of chromite pigment to a cotton and mixed fabric base.
Project relevance: in the process of mining, crushing, classifying chromite ores, enriching and preparing them for technological conversion, more than 45% of the raw material turns into a substandard product (fines, dust, sludge), which, in terms of granulometric and chemical composition, is not used for processing into ferroalloys, refractories and pigments . In addition, in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are large reserves of internal overburden rocks of coal mining, containing up to 40% or more carbon, causing irreparable environmental damage to the fauna and flora of industrial regions. Therefore, the development of a new and efficient technology for processing substandard waste from various industries, with the receipt of target materials and semi-finished products, is an important scientific, economic and environmental problem.
Expected results: as a result of the studies carried out, the optimal technological parameters of the processes for obtaining calcined carbon-containing chromite pellets with their further processing into dark green chromite pigments will be determined. Optimal parameters for applying pigments to cotton and mixed fabric substrates will also be established with confirmed results of pilot tests. Based on the results of the research work, 2 scientific articles will be published for publication in the Web of Science database indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty). And also 2 articles in the proceedings of international conferences.
Supervisor: Smailov B. M. - PhD, Academician of IIA, Head of research laboratory "Petrochemistry and composite polymer materials " Research Institute "NTS" SKU named after M. Auezov.
The aim of the project is to develop a technology for producing humate-containing fertilizers based on coal waste to improve soil fertility and crop yields.
Scientific novelty: Based on the results of research work, the following parameters were determined:
- thermodynamic characteristics of coal waste decomposition in hydrochloric acid solution were determined using the Outokumpu HSC-6 software package.
- the optimal parameters of the process of decomposition of coal waste from the Lengerskoye deposit in a solution of nitric acid were established using the method of mathematical planning of experiments.
- determined the kinetic regularities of the process of decomposition of coal waste in a solution of nitric acid with the production of humic acids and humates. The value of the "apparent" activation energy calculated by the Arrhenius equation Eapp.= 12.33 kJ/mol indicates that the process takes place in the diffusion region.
- it has been established that the resulting humate-containing fertilizer is characterized by a high content of humic substances, which are involved in soil structure formation, the accumulation of nutrients and microelements in a form accessible to plants, and contribute to the regulation of geochemical flows of metals in water and soil ecosystems.
Practical significance: The practical significance lies in the development of a technology for the disposal of technogenic waste with the production of humate-containing fertilizers, which allows you to restore soil fertility and positively affects plant productivity.
A group of young scientists from M.Auezov University of South Kazakhstan went on a research trip to India, to Mahatma Gandhi University, located in Kottayam.
Young scientist, winner of the grant "Zhas galym", PhD Smaylov Bakhyt Matkarimuly will conduct research in order to obtain humate-containing fertilizers and study the physico-chemical properties, mineral composition of humate-containing fertilizers under the project "Development of production technology to increase soil fertility and crop yields".
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The name of the priority direction: Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures.
Relevance: This scientific project considers the development of technology for obtaining thermo-salt-resistant composite polymer stabilizers for drilling fluids. It is extremely relevant to study the possibility of creating domestic thermo- and salt–resistant reagents - composite polymer stabilizers of drilling fluids With increasing drilling depths.
Practical significance: Conducting studies of the influence of the nature, type, content and ratio of monomers, modifying components on physico-chemical and filtration-technological properties, allowing to create highly effective multifunctional composite stabilizers in high demand, providing the production of thermo-salt-resistant stabilized drilling fluids operating in complicated sandy-geological conditions on oil and gas-bearing sites is an urgent task, which will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the performance characteristics of the obtained compositions of composite stabilizers reducing the cost of the product.
Supervisor: Kadirbekov A. A.
The aim of the project: development of technology for obtaining certain ion exchangers from a waterproof solution based on modification of cationic groups of high ion exchange capacity in the process of chelating modified cation exchange resins.The Republic of Kazakhstan occupies a leading position in the world in solid converters, such as raw materials, reserves of many minerals and minerals, which represent the power of the main base of the country's production growth. At present, ion exchange has received the widest application in all fields of science and industrial practice due to its operational properties of high materials. With their help, one of the most pressing social and environmental problems is solved — environmental protection. Most of the materials used in production to solve environmental problems have a low static exchange capacity, for this reason there is a need to obtain newly modified ionites with a high ion exchange capacity by introducing a chelating group into the composition. In hydrometallurgy and the nuclear industry, new sorbents for cleaning polluted waters from factories are of great importance. For these reasons, the project is relevant.
Scientific novelty: The scientific novelty consists in the fact that chelating modified cation exchange resins obtained by means of gasipole resin and snail shells are characterized by increased ion exchange capacity during the purification of polluted waters.
Practical significance: The practical significance of the project is to develop a waste disposal technology that allows the recovery of wastewater without heavy metals in the process of industrial wastewater treatment.The use of ion exchange made it possible to carry out continuous technological processes, and in some cases to automate them, to conduct fine kinetic studies using catalysis with ionites. For nuclear power, the need for ionites is increasing. Nuclear power plants consume ionites for decomposing fuel, for defrosting, and water purification of nuclear reactor circuits. The applied significance of the work, depending on the research results, for the concentration of ions and organic substances in the hydrometallurgy of non-ferrous and precious metals, the purification of polluted waters from factories, the practical significance of new sorbents is effective.
A group of young scientists from M.Auezov University of South Kazakhstan went on a research trip to India, to Mahatma Gandhi University, located in Kottayam.
Doctoral student Kadirbekov Alimzhan Abutayuly will explore the possibilities of pumping metal ions from wastewater and studying the active chemical stability and ion exchange ability of ionites under the project "Development of technology for the production of resins replacing chelating modified cations".
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The Department of Scientific Projects and Programs is pleased to announce that according to the results of the competition for grant funding of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024, the priority "Scientific research in the field of natural sciences" has won the project AP13068539 "Solvability of problems for a parabolic and hyperbolic differential equation of the fourth order with involution and their fractional analogues".
The project manager is a young scientist, PhD Sarsenbi Abdisalam Abdizhahanuly.
The aim of the project is to further develop the theory of solvability of differential equations with involution. A team of young mathematicians set themselves the following tasks: to prove the basis of the eigenfunctions of a fourth-order operator with an involution; to show the solvability of mixed problems for the equation.
The results of the research are important in the development of the theory of solvability of differential equations.
Congratulations to the project manager of the young scientist Sarsenbi Abdisalam Abdizhahanuly and the team of young scientists, we wish you interesting ideas, great discoveries, high results!
The aim of this project is to further develop the theory of solvability of differential equations with involution.
Scientific and technological needs that justify the importance of the project results: The research planned in the project will have a positive impact on the quality of education and science, on the quality of training of scientific personnel on a national scale.
The significance of the project on a national and international scale. The significance of the project lies in the fact that the problems under consideration are of interest among researchers of the world mathematical community.
The fundamental difference between the project ideas and existing analogues. Previously, the solvability of problems with involution was considered for second-order differential equations. The ideas of this project are stimulated by the works [5]-[8].
The impact of the project on the level of research, scientific and technical potential, competitiveness of scientific organizations and their teams. The project is devoted to the further development of the theory of solvability of problems for linear differential equations with involution.
Supervisor: PhD doctor, associate professor Kaldybaeva B.M.
The goal of the project is to simultaneously optimize the use of heat recovery, cogeneration of heat and electricity, renewable energy sources and fossil fuels, reduce the level of environmental pollution by industrial emissions and increase the energy efficiency of industrial complexes.
Scientific novelty is the conduct of scientific research to improve the existing technology and improve the quality characteristics of the resulting cellulose and paper based on it, the development of new stabilizers of hydrogen peroxide and the study of their influence on the technological modes of obtaining and the quality of cellulose products.
The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of optimizing resource consumption and assessing the possibilities of integrating the considered technical solutions.
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2) Primary processing of selected plant raw materials and materials using physical and mechanical processing methods.
3) Determination of acceptable conditions for the extraction of plant raw materials and materials, using low-frequency ultrasound (LF) and medium-frequency (midrange) ultrasound technology using vacuum, and the method of ultrahigh frequencies (microwave).
4) Study of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in the process of immobilization of the total antioxidant activity of biologically active substances.
5) Determination of the effect of antioxidants on the growth and development of probiotic microorganisms: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
6) Development of energy-saving stages of activation of bifidobacteria in the technology of obtaining innovative bio-acid-milk functional products based on kefir fungi, L.acidophilus.
7) Studies of food safety, microbiological, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the obtained innovative bio-acid-milk functional products, depending on the duration of the shelf life.
8) Creation of regulatory documents for the design and introduction into production of technology for the production of innovative bio-acid-milk functional products with a prolonged shelf life and with increased biological value.
The purpose of the work: development of health-saving technologies in the prevention of professional burnout of teachers, providing university teachers with the opportunity to preserve emotional and physical health during distance learning associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Practical significance: the results of the study can be applied in the research and pedagogical sphere, by various non-governmental organizations dealing with the mental health of participants in the educational process, mental and psychological health, stress management and professional burnout, distance learning and health-saving technologies.
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Supervisor: Azimov A.M., PhD, Head of the research laboratory "Innovative water Treatment Systems".
Project goal - Ecological assessment and forecasting of the state of drinking water in the southern region of Kazakhstan, development of methodological recommendations for regime and design parameters of water treatment technology.
As a result of the project implementation, a recommendation of a promising drinking water purification technology will be prepared, which will provide not only a direct economic effect, but also at least 10% of the environmental effect on a regional scale, for specific deposits. The developed methodological recommendation will cover the choice of optimal technologies (settling, filtration, flocculation, coagulation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical disinfection) and regime parameters of drinking water purification.
Practical significance: The obtained scientific results will become the basis for the development of methods for calculating energy- and resource-saving technologies and equipment for the purification of drinking water deposits in the Southern region of Kazakhstan, will open up the possibility of creating a scientific base of technological complexes that are actually used at water treatment plants, allowing both to reduce the costs of enterprises and improve the environmental and social situation.
The target consumers of the results obtained are water treatment plants.
A group of young scientists from M.Auezov University of South Kazakhstan went on a research trip to India, to Mahatma Gandhi University, located in Kottayam.
Azimov Abdugani Mutalovich, a young scientist, winner of the Zhas Galym grant, PhD, will study drinking water purification technologies for a specific region (precipitation, filtration, flocculation, coagulation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical disinfection) under the project "Environmental monitoring of underground water supply sources in the southern region of Kazakhstan and recommendation of optimal water treatment technology".
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Young scientists at the international conference
Holders of the grant "Zhas galym" of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezova is taking part in an international conference on "Water from pollution to purification" at Mahatma Gandhi University of India. At the conference, the head of the project "Environmental monitoring of underground water supply sources in the Southern region of Kazakhstan and the provision of optimal water treatment technology" Azimov Abdugani Mutalovich made a presentation on the topic "Purification of groundwater and groundwater using nanofiltration technology". The conference is attended by scientists from the UK, Canada, Poland, Korea, France, Japan, the USA, Spain and Kazakhstan.
Department of Scientific
Projects and Programs
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Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A. A. Saparbekova
The goal of the project is to scientifically substantiate and develop technologies for deep processing of plant raw materials using a multienzyme preparation and yeast with probiotic properties to obtain functional drinks based on fruit juices with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects with additional fortification with polyphenolic compounds and / or carrying out the encapsulation process to increase the preservation of the isolated components.
Scientific novelty. The fundamental difference of this project from existing analogues and scientific novelty is that based on the study of polyphenolic components of pomegranate fruits, watermelon and grape peel, their effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, technologies for deep processing of raw materials using microorganisms and enzymes will be developed to obtain fermented drinks and encapsulated components of prophylactic action.
Practical significance. Consumption trends are a favorable factor for the juice industry. There is a steady tendency towards the use of healthy products among the population, the number of buyers who understand that food should not only satisfy hunger and thirst, but also help to restore the body in conditions of increased stress and adverse environmental impacts is growing. In this regard, it becomes necessary to produce fermented beverages that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.![]() |
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Project manager, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Tleuov.
The project executor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Beisembayev O.K.
Project executor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tleuova S.T.
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Supervisor: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nadirov K.S.
The aim of the project is to develop competitive synergistic compositions - demulsifiers - for effective oil dehydration, based on fatty acids extracted from a by-product of cottonseed oil processing - fatty acid distillation tar.
The scientific novelty is the use of tar components to obtain demulsifiers. You should pay attention to this aspect. A significant proportion (up to 60-70%) of the residual FAs are unsaturated FAs, which are more reactive in comparison with saturated FAs. Traditionally, fatty acids are obtained by catalytic oxidation of paraffins, with the formation of predominantly saturated fatty acids. First, paraffins are themselves a commercial product. Second, the degree of conversion of saturated fatty acids into oxyethylated derivatives is lower than that of unsaturated fatty acids. Thus, the cost of the proposed demulsifiers will be lower than commercial ones. Calculations have shown that the cost of new demulsifiers will be about 0.5 USD per kilogram.
Practical significance: Based on the results of the project, the production of new domestic demulsifiers can be created. It is advisable to locate the production in South Kazakhstan, not far from the source of raw materials - tar. Production will allow, firstly, to reduce the dependence of domestic oil producing and refining enterprises on imported products. Secondly, new jobs will be created. Third, the amount of stored tar will decrease by 35-40% (due to the extraction of liquid residues from them); this will reduce the negative impact of tar on the environment.Expected and achieved results:
1. Extraction of LC from the aqueous phase. Process optimization. Chromatographic determination of LC in the mixture. LC extraction from the aqueous phase was performed. The process has been optimized. Chromatographic determination of LC in the mixture was performed. The conditions ensuring the extraction of at least 97% of LC into the organic phase (extraction gasoline) have been identified. Extraction processes are optimized, the composition of LC in extracts is determined.
2.Oxyethylation of the LC mixture. Esterification of the LCD mixture. Publication of an article in a journal recommended by COXON. Oxyethylation of the LC mixture was performed. Esterification of the LCD mixture was performed. The influence of experimental factors on the compositions of the oxyethylation products, as well as the esterification of the LC mixture, has been determined. The conditions providing the maximum degree of conversion of LC into their oxyethylated and esterified derivatives are found. An article has been published in a journal recommended by COXON.
3. Investigation of colloidal-chemical properties of OJC and EJ, as well as composites based on them. The colloidal-chemical properties of OELC and EELC, as well as composites based on them, have been studied. The dependences of colloidal-chemical properties on the composition of mixtures of OELC and EELC, as well as composites based on them, are obtained. The resulting demulsifier composite is characterized by the following colloidal chemical properties: the appearance of the demulsifier - from a viscous liquid to a paste–like mass from colorless to yellowish; the content of oxyethyl groups in OKZHK - 42-43; hydroxyl number, mg KOH / g - in the range of 23.2-26.8; viscosity at temperatures at 20 °C and at - 20 ° C, MPa · c - in the range of – 25-33 and 450-510, respectively; pH - in the range of 7.5-8.1; mass fraction of water - no more than 0.25; density at 20oC, g / cm3 - in the range of 0.92-0.95; thickening temperature, oC – 10; solidification temperature, °C – -36-39 ; turbidity temperature of 1% aqueous solution, oC - in the limit - 77-81.
4. The developed composite for crude oil demulsification includes the following components: esterified fatty acids – 10.0-12.0; technical gossypol – 0.20-0.22; sulfanol – 6.0-8.0; synthanol-ALM – 4.0-5.0; the rest is solvent – auit-spirit. The resulting composite is highly effective in dewatering and desalting oil at a flow rate of 40-45 g/t. The water content in oil is 0.18-0.20% and salts, respectively, 20 mg/ l.Published 1 article in a journal with a percentile above 50 by CiteScoreScopus:
1.Kazim S. Nadirov, Manap K. Zhantasov,Bekaydar T. Marenov, GulmiraZh. Bimbetova, Arslanbek K. Orynbasarov, Zhulduz K. Shukhanova, Nurlibek Sh. Otarbayev, Zhanna K. Nadirova, Gani M. Iztleuov, Dina M. Zhantasova. Obtaining High-Paraffin-Content Oil Depressants. Chemical Engineering Technology. 2021, 44, No. 2, 310–317. The percentile is 55.
2. Nadirova Zh.K., Ivakhnenko O.P.,, Zhantasov M.K., Bimbetova G.Zh., Nadirov K.S. Ultrasound-assisted separation of water from crude oil of Kumkol South oilfield // Bulletin of KazNU. Chemical series. – 2021. – No.2.-p.4-10.
3 . NadirovK., Ivakhnenko O., Otarbayev N. Selection of Technological Factors for the Process Saponification of Fatty Acids of Tar // Industrial Technology and Engineering. 2020, 4 (37): 25-32.
4. Ivakhnenko A.P., Nadirov K.S., Zhantasov M.K., Bimbetova G.Zh., Nadirov R.K., Kusynbek S.K. Evaluation and preparation of reagent composition for demulsification of paraffin oil // Bulletin of KBTU, Volume 18, Issue 1,2021.-pp.11-20.
5.Nadirova Zh. K., Otarbayev N.Sh., Bimbetova G.Zh., Nadirov K.S., Zhantasov M.K. New reagents for field oil preparation // Oil and gas, Almaty.-No. 3.-2021. – pp.100-112.
6. Nadirov K.S., Zhetpisbayev D.M., Dzhusenov A.U., Orynbasarov A.K., Ivakhnenko A.P. Experimental apparatus for oil demulsification // Bulletin of Science of Southern Kazakhstan, No. 1 (13), Shymkent, 2021.-pp.38-44.
7. Ivakhnenko A.P., Nadirov K.S., Bimbetova G.Zh. Promising developments of scientists of the M.Auezov State University in the oil and gas industry // "QAZAQTANÝ" Republican Scientific Journal, № 2 (10) 06 / 2021.- Pp.80-85.
Members of the research group:
1. Nadirov Kazim Sadykovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, project manager. Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology. He has more than 50 scientific papers in the direction of the project, including monographs and patents. Hirsch Index = 4 (Scopus)
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2. Ivakhnenko Aleksander – Doctor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor. Foreign scientist (Aberdeen Integrated Petroleum Engineering Center, Edinburgh, Scotland, Director of the Research Center for Petroleum Engineering and Petrophysics). He has more than 20 scientific papers in the direction of the project, including monographs and patents. Hirsch Index = 4 (Scopus) ( )
3. Zhantasov Manap Kurmanbekovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. He has more than 20 scientific papers in the direction of the project. Hirsch Index = 4(Scopus)
4. Gulmira Zhankabylovna Bimbetova - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. He has more than 30 scientific papers in the direction of the project. Hirsch Index = 3(Scopus)
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5. Baybotaeva Saltanat Yelikbayevna - PhD. Defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Substantiation of the process of improving the efficiency of preparation of well products in oil production". He has more than 30 scientific papers in the direction of the project. Indexhirsh =1 (Scopus)
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6. Otarbayev Nurlybek Shyrynbekuly - PhD. Defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Development of technology for the production of oil demulsification reagents based on by-products of cotton tar processing". He has more than 15 scientific papers devoted to the production of reagents for oil dewatering
Expected results: receiving dielectric materials, special functional properties for the use of different parts of equipment and processing.
Achieved results: developed recipes for the process of activation of various dielectric materials.
Sataev Malik Syvambayevich-head of NIR, GNS
Koshkarbayeva Shayzada Tortaevna-VNS
Amanbayeva Kalamkas Balgabayevna-NS
Urazkeldieva Dilbar Abdihamidovna-Spetsvuk
1. Perizat Abdurazova, Malik Sataev, Gulmira Kenzhibayeva, Shayzada Koshkarbayeva, Kalamkas Amanbayeva, YerkebulanRaiymbekov. Photochemical production of gold films on the surface of fabric materials. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2020.
2. Malik Sataev, Shayzada Koshkarbaeva, Perizat Abdurazova, Almagul Kadirbaeva, Kalamkas Amanbaeva, Ramshat Abzhalov,Yerkebulan Raiymbekov. Chemical Copper Plating of Cotton Fabrics by Photochemical Activation of the Surface. Rev. Chim., 71 (8), 2020, 90-97
3. M. S. Satayev, R. S. Abzhalov, P. A. Abdurazova, Sh.T. Koshkarbayeva, K. B. Amanbayeva. Production of antibacterial copper-containing nanoparticles on dielectric surfaces. Vestnik Kaznitu No. 5 (141), Almaty, 2020gp 803-809. (October 2020).
4. M. Satayev, Sh. Koshkarbayeva, P. Abdurazova, K. Amanbayeva, E. Raiymbekov use of concentrated mineral cellulose to activate the efficiency of chemical treatment. Doclady NAN RK, No. 6, 2021. (in pechati)
5. Sh.T. Koshkarbayeva, M.S. Satayev, P. Prokopovich, G. T. Assilbekova, D. Urazkeldieva. Application of photochemical methods for obtaining combined media coverage. International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering. Business-2020-Shymkent Vol. 2. pp 73-76.
6. patent for full-fledged model No. 64427 from 24.09.2021.a proposal for the introduction of a medical plan to improve the quality of cellulose products and products from it. Authors: Koshkarbayeva Shaizada Tortaevna, Abdurazova Perizat Adilbekovna, Amanbayeva Kalamkas Balgabayevna, Sataev Malik Syvambayevich.
7. M.S. Sataev, Sh. Koshkarbaeva, K.B. Amanbaeva, P.A. Abdurazova, G.T. Assilbekova, Y.B. Raiymbekov and D. Urazkeldieva. Rhotochemical reduction of copper and silver ions on cellulose-containing Rasayan Journal of Chemistry. Vol.15 No.1, 2022. (Article in Press)
8. M. Satayev, Sh. Koshkarbayeva, P. Abdurazova, E. Raimbekov, Sh. Sultan. Obtaining a modified metal coating on the surface of dielectric materials. Vestnik Kaznitu No. 2, Almaty, 2021 pp. 120-126.
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The idea of the project is to develop a new innovative technology for obtaining organomineral fertilizer of the quality of double superphosphate of prolonged action from technogenic waste for use in closed soil. Technogenic waste of phosphorous production and waste of coal mining, which are planned to be involved in research, according to the research of Kazakhstan and foreign scientists, are valuable raw materials with sufficient mineral component for obtaining organic fertilizers. At the same time, coal mining waste is a source of humic acid.
The goal of the project is to develop an innovative technology for obtaining organomineral fertilizer of the quality of double superphosphate of prolonged action from technogenic waste for use in closed soil.
Scientific and technical level (novelty): Development of innovative technology for obtaining organomineral fertilizer of double superphosphate quality of prolonged action from technogenic waste for closed soil.
The use of scientific and technical products is carried out: The results of the work can be distributed to the following potential users: KazAzot LLP, Kazphosphate LLP, EuroChem-Karatau LLP, etc. The results of the research will be published in leading rating journals with a high citation index, as well as publication in rating publications in Russia, Kazakhstan and abroad. The developed methods will be protected by the state registration of copyright in the Committee on intellectual property rights of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1) the development of domestic pharmaceutical science and industrial biotechnology;
2) replace the import of anticancer drugs to Kazakhstan;
3) will increase the prestige of scientific activity in Kazakhstan and the country's reputation in the field of science and pharmaceuticals abroad.
Project Manager, PhD doctor Tleuova A.B.
Project executor, PhD Doctor Sharipova A.A.
Project executor, PhD, associate professor Mutalieva B.Zh.
Foreign consultant, PhD Dr. Prasad Talluri
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Supervisor: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Sarypbekova N.K.
Objective of the project: Development of technical and technological foundations for the innovative production of environmentally safe fertilizer mixtures, through the use of ash and slag waste and substandard screenings formed during the extraction and processing of natural dolomite. the scale of man-made ash and slag waste and screenings of dolomite fines.
Scientific novelty: In the field of the scientific component of the project's topic, in comparison with the existing ones, it is that the structural, chemical, elemental analysis of raw materials, thermodynamic and kinetic processes and the mechanism of the formation of an innovative multicomponent mineral fertilizer based on ash and slag and substandard screenings of dolomite ore will be investigated.
Practical significance: The introduction of the results of innovative research into production will make it possible to obtain an environmentally safe fertilizer mixture for the agro-industrial sector of the economy of the southern and southwestern regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole. This will ensure, on the one hand, to increase the efficiency of the use of fertilizers within Kazakhstan, and on the other hand, to orient producers towards the supply of fertilizers for export.![]() |
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Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Imanaliev K.E.
The goal of the project is to research and develop an energy-active and heat-efficient design of external fences of residential buildings and scientifically substantiate the energy-saving effect of their use in buildings.
The scientific novelty of the project lies in the development of an energy-active and heat-efficient structure of the outer fencing of residential buildings, which provides heat supply to the premises of alternative solar radiation and its additional heating. This project addresses the issues of thermal energy storage by the structure of the external fence and the impact of this process on the energy efficiency of the building as a whole.
The practical significance lies in the proposed new method of increasing the thermal efficiency of buildings by using energy-active and heat-efficient structures of external fences that provide additional heating of the premises with solar radiation.
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PhD doctor Mominova Saule Makhmudovna
Department of Scientific Projects and Programs
Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shevko V.M.
The aim of the project: creation of a new technology for complex processing of natural (basalts) and man-made formations (blast furnace slags) containing metals with high clarke (Si, Al, Fe, Ca) to produce ferroalloy (containing aluminum and silicon) and calcium carbide.
The scientific novelty of the project is that previously unknown thermodynamic and kinetic patterns and features of the mechanism of co-thermal reduction of Fe, Si, Al, Ca oxides from the basalts of the Daubaba and Dubersai deposits, blast furnace slags and their mixtures will be found.
Practical significance: the results obtained during the research will expand the theoretical understanding of the joint interaction of Si, Al, Fe, Ca from oxides to obtain silicides of iron, silicon, aluminum and calcium carbide. These results can be used not only for processing basalts and slags, but also other Si, Al, Fe, Cu containing raw materials (diabase, amphibolite, gabbro, granite, etc.), as well as slags of other industries (phosphorus production)
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Practical significance: Improving the professionalism, continuous education of teachers is the most important task for the state and society, therefore, the project is of great importance on a national and international scale. The project contributes to the solution of the tasks set in the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" and the article "Bolashaka baғdar: Rukhani zhagyru": modernization of public consciousness by strengthening the spiritual component of education, upbringing of basic values; professional development of teachers, etc.
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Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mutalieva B.Zh.
The goal of the project is to create a scientific and practical basis for the technology of microencapsulation of biologically active substances and fundamentally new stimulants of plant development in order to intensify the production of agricultural products.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of scientific and practical foundations for obtaining microencapsulated biologically active substances, as a result of which urgent problems will be solved, one of which is the creation of polymer capsules with optimal properties for use in various industries, in particular, in agriculture.
Practical significance: The data obtained can be used in the production of new forms of biologically active substances, medicinal and enzyme preparations with improved consumer properties.
The aim of the project: Development of technology for processing domestic varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes for the production of biologically active substances and fruit and berry powders for the food industry.
The scientific novelty lies in the determination of the content of polyphenol (antioxidants) in new varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes and the development of technologies for the extraction of polyphenol. In the proposed technology, the extraction of plant raw materials is carried out at a temperature no higher than 40 ° C, which does not violate the vitamin composition and structural structure of the polyphenol components.
Expected results: A technology for the production of biologically active substances from various varieties of stone and berry crops, as well as their dry powders for the food industry, will be created.
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Supervisor: mechanical engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kalymbetov B.E.
The goal of the project is to intensify the production of vegetables through the implementation of agrotechnical measures for obtaining a 3-time harvest during the year through the development and creation of a set of machines for moisture - resource-saving technology in the South Kazakhstan region on the basis of new, scientifically grounded technological and technical solutions.
Scientific novelty: modernized progressive technology and means of technical support for small farms of vegetable growing, allowing for the production of three-time production of vegetable crops per year, in the open field, characterized by the use of adaptive tillage machines and tools and a transplanter for planting seedlings of vegetable crops on the ridges of combined row spacing , as well as other technical means of a new generation;
- creation of new (adaptive) technical means for the mechanization of small vegetable growing farms of plant growing, on the basis of their harmonization with agricultural technologies, world trends in the development of vegetable growing technology;
- a systematic approach to the implementation of new agricultural technologies by equipping it with technological machines and units according to the criteria of labor costs, energy costs and power-to-labor ratio during operations;
- technical solutions for technological and layout diagrams, designs of soil-cultivating machines and tools, transplanting unit of their working bodies will be protected by copyrightcertificates and patents.
Practical significance: The implementation of the program will allow starting the production of competitive new mechanized technology for the production of vegetables in Kazakhstan. The project will give a start to the development of an improved design of a complex of machines.