Chief of the center Didactics
Tasybayeva Sholpan Bakibuldayevna Candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent city, 160012, Tauke-Khan ave. 5, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Main building, 200 office. Office phone: +7 (7252) 21-06-93 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Didactics Center was established by order of the rector of M. Auezov SKSU on January 5, 2020
Objectives of the Centre:
- Academic and methodological provision of the educational process in accordance with state educational standards of the Kazakhstan Republic and the decisions of MES RK;
- make proposals to improve the drafts of normative legal documents relating to methodological provision of the university;
- organization and control of methodical work of the structural divisions of the university with accordance the credit technology of training;
- control over the development of documentation accompanying the educational process.
Functions of the Centre:
- Planning, organization and control of the development of academic and methodical, scientific-methodical and normative documents regulating educational-methodical work of the university.
- Coordinating the work of all structural divisions of the University on issues of training and methodological provision of the academic process;
- organization and holding of seminars.
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