7M0208801 Media Linguistics and editorial



Name of the EP

7M02088 (1) – Media Linguistics and editorial

Code and Classification of Education

7M02 – Arts and Humanities

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

7M023 – Languages and literature

Group of educational programs (EP)

М057 – Linguistics

Language learning


The complexity of EP

120 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP

Preparation of masters of Philology with key and professional competencies in the field of linguistics and literary studies, philological education, translation and editorial work, to solve professional problems in scientific, practical, educational and social spheres.

Name of the degree awarded

Master Philology

Field of professional activity

Professional activity in modern media communications, mass media, advertising and public relations.

Learning outcomes

LО 1. To orient oneself in the main ideological and methodological problems of media linguistics and media communication through the comprehension and application of philosophical and transdisciplinary knowledge in their historical development and socio-cultural context.

LО 2. To use a foreign language for successful oral and written interaction in academic, scientific and professional activities in the context of intercultural dialogue.

LО 3. To organize team work in the course of professional activity, to manage it, taking into account the psychological characteristics of managerial activity, knowing the basics of media psychology, effective speech communication and the laws of rhetoric.

LО 4. Apply effective educational and digital technologies in teaching disciplines at the university of an interdisciplinary nature, integrating the philological and journalistic branches of modern scientific knowledge, as well as in media research, development and editing of media products.

LО 5. To work on a scientific and media project at all phases of its development, demonstrating the skills of working with information (search, analysis, systematization, etc.), as well as the skills of forecasting and generating new ideas, applying methodological techniques for the study of media linguistics and media discourse.

LО 6. Possess theoretical knowledge and a wide range of methods and techniques of philological work with media text, correctly analyzing and interpreting them depending on the tasks of professional activity (linguistic expertise, discourse analysis, stylistic, etc. analyses).

LО 7. Apply a wide range of communicative strategies and tactics, rhetorical and stylistic techniques, demonstrating in the conditions of cross-cultural communication the culture of thinking, correctness and technique of speech, when solving research, practical and managerial tasks in professional activity.

LО 8. Integrate and constantly update theoretical and practical knowledge about modern aspects of media space and media data, practical skills in editing, creating and promoting media text or speech, observing media ethics and legal literacy.


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