6B07160 Chemical technology of inorganic substances
Education Program PASSPORT
EP title |
6B07160 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances |
Code and Classification of the Field of Education |
6B07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil Engineering |
Code and Classification of Training Direction |
6B071 Engineering and Engineering Trades |
Group of Educational Programs |
В060 Chemical Engineering and Processes |
Language of Training |
English, Russian, Kazakh |
EP complexity |
240 credits |
Distinctive features of EP |
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University Partner ( JEP) |
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EP goal |
Training of competitive bachelors possessing fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge, methods and instruments in the area of chemical engineering. |
Name of the degree awarded |
«Bachelor of Engineering and Technology» |
Professional area
• chemical enterprises for the processing of mineral natural and technogenic raw materials • electrochemical and electrothermal productions • mining and processing plants • factory and scientific laboratories • research and design organizations |
Learning outcomes |
LO1 Possess information and computing skills, ability to generalize, analyze and apprehend the information; fluently communicate in professional environment and the society in Kazakh, Russian and English languages taking into account the principles of academic writing. LO2 Use mathematical, social, historical and engineering knowledge and skills, methods of scientific research and elements of economic analysis in professional activities. LО3 Demonstrate socio-cultural development based on knowledge of society development laws, formation of ideological, civil, spiritual and social responsibility, culture of academic honesty and decency. LО4 Critically evaluate the current state of production of inorganic compounds, analyzing and choosing ways of improvement of operating technological processes and development of new ones based on modern achievements of science and technology. LО5 Choose a rational technological scheme based on regularities of processing the mineral and technogenic raw materials. LО6 Calculate mass and heat balances of chemical and technological processes, calculate and choose main and auxiliary equipment. LО7 Plan and carry out theoretical and experimental research, interpreting the results obtained using methods of mathematical data processing and formulate conclusions. LО8 Implement operational control of the production process for obtaining inorganic compounds, control the quality of raw materials and products, develop measures to improve production safety and solve environmental problems. LО9 Use research, entrepreneurial skills and skills to work in conditions of uncertainty ensuring interconnection of enterprise structural divisions; continuously lifelong improve skills. LО10 Work efficiently individually and in a team, persisting correctly in one-s opinion, make independent decisions during problem industrial situations showing analytical and critical thinking. |